Outsourced Sales and Marketing Educational Resources

Over the past several years Gabriel Sales has helped over 50 Start Ups and SMBs generate a sustained flow of qualified leads with outsourced marketing services and sales automation. Below are some of our more popular educational resources. You can also visit specific pages dedicated to specific formats.

White Papers and ChecklistsBlog ArticlesMicro Sites  | Case Studies  |  Videos and Webcasts



Most Popular

The Team You Need for Modern Sales and Marketing

Today’s buyers expect you to sell to them with digital education across multiple platforms.  This requires a well oiled machine with a team that works well together.  Here is what a successful team looks like.  Read More

B2B Buyers Content Preference Report

67% of the buyer’s journey is now done digitally. As a modern marketer, it’s critical to create educational and thought-leadership content around each buyer stage.  To learn what type of content buyers prefer Read More

What is Lead Scoring and Why its Critical for SMB Lead Gen ROI

Lead Scoring is an objective ranking of one sales lead against another to maximize your sales efforts. It is the foundation of modern sales and marketing.  Download the White Paper



Marketing Automation Implementation Checklist

Marketing automation software not only improves lead generation and conversion rates, it also streamlines your sales and marketing efforts.  With multiple implementations under our belt here are the best practices to jump start your marketing automation success. Download PDF

Best Practices Using Video for B2B Marketing and Sales Automation

Today, solutions are first “bought,” through buyer education content, then “sold,” when the buyer gains trust and is ready to  buy.  Successful B2B videos are clear, honest, and direct to make it easier for your buyer to buy.  This landing page shares best practices for video and every stage of your  marketing and sales funnel.  Visit Page

Reasons to Consider Outsourcing Sales and Marketing Ops

The requirements of your B2B buyers have significantly changed. They expect to be able to educate themselves digitally online. They expect to engage with your solution on their timelines and enabled by technology. This has radically changed whats required from your sales and marketing operations team. This article discusses how outsourcing can help.  Read more

White Papers, E-Books and Checklists

Visit our White Paper, E-Books and Checklists Page for additional educational content.


With the rise of automation software and content marketing, you can now engage and educate your buyer digitally.  You can also analyze a buyer’s digital footprint to predict a buyer’s level of interest and where they are in their buying cycle. To understand  Lead Scoring best practices and how this increase your sales funnel and lower costs Download This White Paper.


Sales Reps importance early in sales process has been radically diminished.  More and more solutions are first “Bought” through digital education and then “Sold” by a Sales Rep that can add value above and beyond what can be done with digital education.  Learn how lead gen reps and marketing can work together to generate more sales demand.  Download This White Paper.

Less than 60% of SMB companies have a strategy to fill the booth prior to an event, and 70% don’t have any follow up strategy post-event. As a result 80% of leads that are generated during a show are ignored after the show.  In this age of automation and content marketing you can increase your results by 5X or more.  To learn how Download This White Paper.


Checklist for Fast and Effective Marketing Automation

Marketing Automation is a powerful technology to maximize sales results but if you don’t keep it simple it can become overwhelming.  Here are the step by step best practices to jump start your marketing automation success. We focus on what is required technically to generate with less time and headaches.  Download Checklist and Get Started.



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Videos and Webcasts

Below are a few of our more popular videos.  Visit our Videos and Webcast page for more educational streaming media.


The New Rules of Buying and Selling

In this short webcast we discuss how buyer now buy through a combination of digital education and engagement with sales and marketing across channels.  We wrap up with a quick discussion of outbound marketing’s role in this new buyer driven landscape. Watch Now



How Outsourced Sales and Marketing Works?

In this comprehensive 8:00 minute interview Founder of Solution Dynamics discusses the systematized process  and steps required to successfully implement an outsourced sales and marketing program and what it takes from the client side and partner side  to ensure success. Watch Now

Outsourced Sales and Marketing Case Studies


Fundraising Event and Retail Company


Gabriel Sales outsourced marketing efforts consistently produces 20 sales opportunities every month

Company was planning on increasing the size of the rep force by 25% and needed to increase the volume of deals for both existing reps and new territories. Company had no database or inside sales and marketing support team to generate new leads. Read More




Supply Chain Services and Software Company


Outsourced marketing engine produces 2 to 4 opportunities a month for company founder

A privately held professional service company developed a niche software for the seasonal manufacturing industry.  Initially company needed to generate awareness and engage 20,000 decision makers at 6,000 companies.   Read More



Management Consulting and Engineering Services


Gabriel Sales doubled deal flow and tripled revenue in first 18 months with Outsourced Sales and Marketing

Company successfully launched  from founders’ Rolodexes and then had flat sales for several years. Tried to hire several enterprise reps burning through over $300K. with no results. Then they hired Gabriel Sales to build modern and sales marketing.  Read More