White Papers, Checklists and E Books
Best Practices for Lead Scoring

With the rise of automation software and content marketing, you can now engage and educate your buyer digitally. You can also analyze a buyer’s digital footprint to predict a buyer’s level of interest and where they are in their buying cycle. To understand Lead Scoring best practices and how this increase your sales funnel and lower costs. Download This White Paper.

Sales Reps importance early in sales process has been diminished. Now, more solutions are first “Bought” through digital education and then “Sold” by a Sales Rep that can add value beyond what can be done with digital education. Learn how lead gen reps and marketing can work together to generate more sales demand. Download This White Paper.

Less than 60% of SMB companies have a strategy to fill the booth prior to an event, and 70% don’t have any follow up strategy post-event. As a result 80% of leads that are generated during a show are ignored after the show. In this age of automation and content marketing you can increase your results by 5X or more. Download This White Paper.
Checklist for Fast and Effective Marketing Automation

Marketing Automation is a powerful technology to maximize sales results but if you don’t keep it simple it can become overwhelming. Here are the step by step best practices to jump start your marketing automation success. We focus on what is required technically to generate with less time and headaches. Download Checklist and Get Started.