Sales Ready Lead Campaign & Starter Sales Automation Engine

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Sales Success Requires Consistent Sales Ready Leads

70% of your buyers prefer to learn about your solution through email. And 60% of your buyers are shortlisting with digital education before engaging with sales reps. Success now requires integrated campaigns to produce a cost effective ROI, including:

  • Top of Funnel eProspecting Campaigns
  • Educational Nurturing eMail Campaigns
  • Lead Scoring & Content Management Technologies


How and Why a Sales Ready Lead Campaign Works

Marketing Automation Systems are quickly becoming standard best practice for sales and marketing success. Here are some recent statistics:

  • 60% of your buyers engage with at least 7-12 pieces of content prior to engaging with sales (Forrester)
  • Best-in-Class companies are 67% more likely to use a marketing automation platform – Aberdeen Group “State of Marketing Automation Processes that Produce”
  • 79% of top-performing companies have been using marketing automation for more than 2 years – Gleanster “2016 Marketing Automation Benchmark

This article will eventually detail why we believe a Sales Ready Lead Campaign is the best way to implement a sales and marketing automation engine for first-time users.

Why a Sales Ready Lead Campaign Produces Better Results, Faster

When B2B Marketers were surveyed in 2016, the majority of marketers claimed that Sales Lead Quality was the most important metric to measure success.But, of the 35% of the B2B market that is using a marketing automation platform, 59% state that their systems lack insights that indicate buying behavior. Learn why lead scoring is the key ingredient to sales success. Read More >>>

What is Lead Scoring and Why is it Critical?

The entire point of investing in a sales automation engine is to produce more deals and qualified, educated buyers for your sales reps so they stay focused on doing what they do best – closing.

This article will detail how we produce Sales Ready Leads, and at the same time, help you overcome the top risks of building an automation engine that can scale over time.

In our blog post, “Why You Should Consider Sales & Marketing Outsourcing to Generate Sales Ready Leads and to Build Your Sales Automation Engine”, we discussed some of the talent and resource issues that impact getting a sales automation process right the first time.


Ebook: The Digital-First Sales Transformation

Learn Why and How to Increase Your Sales Funnel by 451%.
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Learn how to sell more effectively to the Modern B2B buyer in this FREE and comprehensive four-part educational seminar.
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Schedule Time with a Demand Gen, Lead Nurturing and Sales Automation Specialist to discover if DDC™ can transform your process to provide your sales team with a sustained flow of well-educated buyers.
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