Reasons to Consider Outsourcing Sales and Marketing Operations

outsourcing sales and marketing

For many businesses ready for growth, it’s fairly typical to consider outsourcing sales and marketing operations along with other various business functions including: human resources, accounting and IT. Historically, when it comes to scaling sales and marketing operations, most companies initially consider building a team of dedicated in-house sales and marketing professionals.

But over the past several years, the requirements of B2B buyers have significantly changed. Buyers now expect to be able to educate themselves digitally online across multiple channels. Once they demonstrate interest, they also expect marketing to continue to support their buyer journey with continued digital education.

Buyers changed expectations, needs and desires which has blurred the line between marketing and sales functions. It has changed accountability and responsibilities for generating leads, developing opportunities and qualifying buyers ready to engage with sales. First, we will discuss how this has created multiple complexities for the historical model for sales and marketing operations.The rest of this article will then build on these complexities as we discuss:

Marketing operations and marketing automation

How do we decide if we should outsource

What functions can be outsourced

What are the advantages of outsourcing specific functions

 Why Marketing and Sales Operations Is Getting More Complex

The lines between marketing and sales operations are becoming increasingly blurred. Marketing is no longer limited to brand awareness and lead generation. During the pandemic, the Fortune 500 shifted towards a digital-first sales process, tasking marketers with generating leads and then developing them through a combination of content marketing and marketing automation.

As a direct result, B2B marketing organizations are taking on expanded tasks and responsibilities. Sales and marketing leadership, including Chief Revenue Officers (CROs), executives, and creative teams, are tasked with:


  • Creating content strategies
  • Creating lead generation strategies
  • Selecting media vendors
  • Continuing to generate leads across multiple channels
  • Creating quality content and developing thought leaders
  • Planning and running events
  • Generating leads
  • Nurturing leads
  • Crafting personalized journeys
  • Transiting leads to sales when they are educated and ready to buy
  • Selecting and managing tech platforms
  • Maintaining quality data
  • Expanding their volume of reports
  • Measuring ROI across channels
  • Making smarter decisions
  • Forecasting
  • Supporting existing customers
  • Cross selling
  • Upselling
  • Creating brand strategies

Marketing Operations and Marketing Automation

What is modern marketing and sales operations today?

Marketing and sales operations encompass the processes, technology, and human resources needed to execute strategies that support sales and marketing efforts with quality and consistency. Marketing operations serve as the backbone, leveraging people and technology to execute campaigns, manage the technology stack, and oversee databases, data governance and reporting. Marketing and sales operations enable:

    • Marketing leaders and managers to concentrate on high-value strategic tasks, creative development, and content creation
    • Sales teams to dedicate their time to advancing high-quality leads through the pipeline

Marketing and sales operations is an organizational approach that enables marketers to generate more demand for their products and services, support the buyer’s journey, guide buyers further into the sales funnel, and spend more time on analysis and continuous improvement. It establishes a foundation for excellence and growth, ensuring strategies are executed using best practices to drive growth and achieve both marketing benchmarks and sales targets.

The key to successful B2B marketing and sales operations is the effective daily use and integration of marketing automation and customer relationship management systems.

The growth of marketing automation makes it challenging to find proven talent

As of this year, 60% of B2B organizations intend to increase their spending on marketing automation in the coming year (Statista)


Between 2021 and 2024, the global marketing automation industry revenue grew by an estimated 22% to 5.86 billion U.S. dollars. The market is expected to more than double by 2030, surpassing 13.7 billion U.S. dollars (Gartner).

Additionally, 72% of marketing operations and marketing automation specialists have less than two years of experience, and 41% are learning on the job.

Finding quality talent with legitimate and proven experience will continue to be challenging.

How Do We Decide if Outsourcing Marketing is the Right Solution for Our Company?

As businesses continue to expand, invest in digital marketing and sales processes, create more content, and enhance productivity to all designed to help them survive, thrive and compete more effectively in the coming years, they will eventually face the following questions:

  • Should we build and staff digital marketing and sales operations in-house?
  • Should we consider outsourcing sales or marketing?
  • Should we consider outsourcing sales and marketing operations?
  • What areas or functions should we consider outsourcing?
  • What are the benefits of outsourcing?

It’s a difficult question to answer because there is no turnkey solution that works across all industries and for businesses of all sizes. The decision to outsource depends primarily on:


  • The existing internal resources of the business
  • The proven focus areas of current partners
  • The skill sets of employees and management
  • The technology experience and expertise of existing employees and management
  • Most importantly, where existing employees and managers can provide the greatest strategic value for the organization

What Functions/Parts Of Sales And Marketing Operations Can We Outsource

Most companies committed to a digital-first go-to-marketing and sales strategy have created leadership and management teams that are highly skilled and experience in:

  • Developing strategies across multiple channels
  • Creating content tailored to various channels
  • Generating the volume of inbound leads needed for success
  • Making intelligent decisions to maximize investments when armed with reliable data

But as discussed above, experienced marketing and sales operations talent and marketing automation technology experience is hard to find. And according to Robert Half finding skilled digital marketers and experienced marketing automation talent are two of the top three employees companies are challenged to find.

With the evolution of CRMs like Salesforce and the rise of marketing operations and Salesforce consultancies like Gabriel Sales, companies can now explore marketing automation support and outsourced sales and marketing operations to help take their organizations to the next level. These functions fall into two categories:

Outsourced Technology Implementation and Optimization – The technical delivery of specific marketing automation applications, marketing technology integrations, and Salesforce integrations ensures that your sales and marketing systems are customized to execute the strategic goals of the organization.

Marketing Operations Managed Services – Once your systems are optimized, they must be leveraged daily, weekly, and monthly to produce the desired results in specific areas such as campaign execution, content management, database management, project management, and reporting.

As discussed in detail above, different companies have different needs based on existing internal capability and capacity.  To learn more about how Gabriel Sales can help immediately augment your day-to-day execution capability and capacity visit our outsourced marketing and sale operations managed services page.

If you want to stop struggling with technology. Or want to maximize your tech stack investment so your current team can drive even more marketing value and higher quality leads for sales, you can learn more about how we support you with increased capabilities by visiting our Salesforce and marketing automation consulting services page.

9 Reasons to Consider Marketing and Sales Operations

1 – Immediate Access to Experienced Salesforce and Marketing Automation Specialists

Most companies utilize a variety of platforms and technologies integrated with Salesforce to bolster successful lead generation, guide buyer journeys, execute lead nurturing campaigns, and enhance sales enablement. However, if you’ve been procuring these software solutions for any length of time, you understand that in order to leverage the capabilities of these softwares they need to be built out correctly as well as continuously monitored and enhanced based on business changes and the latest updates and features.

When you entrust your marketing and sales operations to Gabriel Sales, the potential of Salesforce and Marketing Automation becomes tangible. We immediately provide you with access to certified Salesforce and Account Engagement (Pardot) specialists who seamlessly integrate into your organization.

These professionals are adept at utilizing and implementing the latest proven tools and features available within these systems for marketing, analysis, automation, sales enablement, and more. With our assistance, you can cease struggling with the technology, mitigate the risks of underperformance and system errors, all without the need to invest countless hours in recruiting and training talent or attempting to navigate these complexities independently.

2 – You Immediately Align and Bridge the Gap from Marketing to Sales

Most marketing teams, including conventional digital marketing agencies, excel in managing budgets, crafting strategies, brand management, and producing creative content to support top-of-funnel campaigns and retain existing customers.

Specialized agencies in marketing automation and lead nurturing immediately enhance your team’s capabilities, enabling the development of deeper buyer relationships further down the sales funnel.

One of the unique advantages of outsourced sales and marketing operations, particularly with Gabriel Sales, is the access to sales operations professionals proficient in lead nurturing, lead scoring, and effective lead management in Salesforce. Their expertise ensures seamless integration of technologies and processes, facilitating the transition of leads from marketing to sales funnels.

3 – Immediate Access to Best Practices

When you hire a team of specialists with experience across various industries, you can immediately benefit from tried and tested best practices. Implementing these practices from the outset and consistently executing them are essential for long-term success. These best practices encompass data management, governance, campaign workflows, reporting, lead scoring, and transitioning leads to sales.

4 – Strategy Improvements

“You don’t know what you don’t know.” Partnering with an agency proficient in sales and marketing operations ensures precise implementation and ongoing enhancements.

By engaging with an outsourced provider, you gain access to seasoned marketing and sales specialists with extensive experience in executing hundreds of implementations, overseeing thousands of campaigns and staying up-to-date on the latest technology changes. They offer the advantage of benchmarking your performance against competitors and diverse companies. This facilitates the integration of successful strategies and technological features across your organization as you scale and diversify campaign volumes and types.

5 – Fast, Reliable and Consistent Campaign Execution

Outsourcing provides immediate access to a fully-managed team of trained and experienced professionals specializing in Salesforce, Account Engagement, database management, and content management. This team handles all functions and executional tasks necessary for successful marketing and sales operations. Your chosen provider maintains a singular focus and accountability for timely and precise execution of day-to-day activities, ensuring a consistent flow of sales-ready leads.

6 – Better Quality Data, Faster Analysis and Increased Insights

Salesforce and automation specialists are adept at establishing policies to enhance data governance, enabling more efficient data addition and collection. They excel in tagging and managing data across core systems and third-party integrations.

Their expertise, coupled with a wealth of experience in creating hundreds of automated dashboards, forecasts, and reports, results in heightened insights, expedited analysis, and more informed decisions.

7 – Boost Your Existing Team’s Focus and Performance

Many marketing teams juggle multiple roles, including brand management, creative design, media buying, analysis, and strategy development. They often have a backlog of new projects aimed at improving results.

In such scenarios, it’s more beneficial for your core marketing team to focus on high-value, strategic, and creative tasks. By outsourcing repetitive and technical tasks essential for daily operations, you can instantly free up their time for strategic activities.

8 – Reduced Stress, Overall Improved Performance and Higher Quality Leads Ready to Talk to Sales   

Enhance your team’s focus effortlessly, eliminate tech hurdles, implement proven best practices, ensure data accuracy, and access a turnkey support team to elevate your entire marketing team’s performance and outcomes.

With Gabriel Sales’ additional expertise in sales operations, swiftly translate this performance boost into an enhanced and expedited sales funnel. Leveraging our 20 years of Salesforce end-user experience, we empower you to enable sales effectively. Through reports, prioritized lists, lead views, and alerts, your sales team can concentrate on pre-qualified leads ready for engagement.

 9 – Lower Costs and a Variable Expense

Outsourcing marketing and sales operations can save you from the expenses associated with hiring, training, staffing, and managing full-time employees. Instead of bearing the fully-loaded cost of employing one manager, you gain access to a diverse team of specialists, helping you optimize your campaigns and technology investments at a fraction of the cost.

This approach offers the flexibility of a monthly variable expense, contrasting with the fixed headcount cost associated with traditional employment models.

About Gabriel Sales

Gabriel Sales™  has been successfully helping companies grow for over 20 years. We specialize in helping B2B companies with a multi-step sales process, build modern sales and marketing operations. We currently support sales and marketing organizations with 5 to 500 sales reps. We also work with startups or companies launching new products that are serious about growth. Learn more about our team, approach and proven track record on our About Us page and/or view our Customer Success Stories and ROI Case Studies.


Marketing Automation Case Study Healthcare Software and Consulting

Marketing Automation Case Study Healthcare Software and Consulting

Quick Start Account Engagement (Pardot) Implementation + Salesforce Optimization + Training and Transition

Gabriel Sales Launches Multiple Awareness and Lead Nurturing Campaigns and then Transitions in 150 Days


Post merger, this mid-market software company needed to integrate and align the new company’s lead lists, sales funnel and marketing programs into one inclusive system and process. A decision was made to move from HubSpot and Mailchimp to Salesforce and Account Engagement (Pardot) to support the more complex sales environment the new company would need to address.

The new entity had strategic marketing experts, great content marketers, inbound marketers and a seasoned Salesforce Administrator with no expertise in Account Engagement. The company had a wide-range of content ready to be leveraged in both demand generation and lead nurturing campaigns and an opt in database that represented close to 70% of the market.


The marketing team was skilled in brand, creative, strategy and inbound marketing. The CRO and Salesforce Administrator were tasked with taking two different sales processes and multiple inbound and outbound marketing processes into one consistent sales and marketing operations process.

Company had developed their new go-to-market strategy and defined their new sales process. They needed help launching their new technology stack and then wanted their new combined sales and marketing operations team to take over the day-to-day management of the system.


The company hired Gabriel Sales to implement Account Engagement (Pardot)- deploy features, train on best practices, streamline Salesforce connections and integrate several additional third party technologies. Company then wanted Gabriel Sales to initiate several initial Marketing Automation Campaigns and Content Management Tools before training and transitioning the entire tech stack to their existing team for ongoing day-to- day management and execution.

Month 1

The engagement started by meeting with the Company’s CRO, Salesforce Administrator and Marketing Director to understand:

  • Who is using the system?
  • How are they using the system?
  • Success Criteria for Sales
  • Success Criteria for Marketing
  • Sales Process
  • Campaign Strategy
  • What They Wanted to Measure/Track
  • Reporting and Insight Needs

Gabriel Sales crafted a final plan for a basic implementation and a systematic 90 day roll out of campaigns with final timelines and critical dependencies.

Gabriel Sales then quickly launched into the technical setup of Account Engagement (Pardot) including all integrations and third party integrations.

Month 2 and 3

Gabriel Sales worked with the Company’s marketing team to launch the systems with:

  • Initial campaigns
  • Initial database segmentations
  • Continued quality checks and testing 
  • Continued best practice workflows
  • Conversion reports and insight dashboards

Gabriel Sales worked with the CRO to refine automated:

  • Lead scoring
  • Prioritized lead lists
  • Weekly engagement reports

Simultaneously, the Salesforce Administrator and Marketing team started their basic training in Account Engagement (Pardot) using Gabriel Sales online subscription training course on Salesforce Account Engagement (Pardot): Build Your Basic Skills on Udemy.


Month 4 and 5

Worked with Salesforce Administrator, Marketing Team and Sales Team to ensure they understood how to leverage and maximize the effectiveness on the new sales and marketing technology. Training and transition included:


  • Email Templates and List Emails
  • Engagement Studio – Marketing workflows and best practices
  • Dynamic Lists
  • Triggered Automations
  • Custom Redirects
  • Page Actions
  • Segmentation Rules
  • Automation Rules
  • Lead Scoring and Grading
  • Forms and Form Handlers
  • Landing Pages and Templates
  • Lead Views
  • Prioritizing Leads
  • Campaign Tracking and Reporting


Within 3 Months

The Company’s Account Engagement was fully implemented, launched with best practices and multiple initial marketing campaigns were up and running and producing scored leads prioritized in their CRM.

Within 5 Months

Gabriel Sales’ Certified Salesforce Administrator and Certified Account Engagement Specialists were able to train the company’s marketing team and Salesforce Administrator with all they needed to know to take over the systems and campaigns on a day-to-day basis.


Company contracted Gabriel Sales for an ongoing 8 hour/month of additional best practice training and support for an additional 6 months.

About the Company

A Mid-Market Healthcare Management Software and Consulting Services Company acquired a Compliance Software provider allowing it to service a broader range of customers.

Company had substantial sales and marketing talent and the CRO needed to quickly fold two different marketing and sales organization into one technology stack to support a team of 30 sales reps, account managers, and trainers across the United States.

Salesforce Implementation for Small Business Case Study – Engineering and Professional Services

Salesforce Implementation for Small Business Case Study – Engineering and Professional Services

Quick Start Salesforce Implementation + Training and Transition

Gabriel Sales Implements Salesforce and Then Transitions in less than 90 days


The General Manager and Managing Partner of a fast-growing specialized Engineering firm selling complex consulting and engineering deals needed to move his team of 2 sales reps and 30 plus senior engineers and account managers off spreadsheets and into Salesforce.


The company had grown organically through their engineers’ Rolodexes. They were selling very specialized solutions to a finite audience of 6000 engineers across the US and sales were being managed from spreadsheets and home-grown project management software.

The GM and Managing Partner needed to implement Salesforce to be able to manage the sales process, support the sales effort and get visibility into the sales funnel to accurately forecast. This would help them ensure their capacity to close business, recruit more talent for growth and forecast revenue.


Company hired Gabriel Sales to implement Salesforce to meet their specialized needs and then train and transition their staff for ongoing use and management. Gabriel Sales executed their Quick Start + Transition Sales Implementation Solution.

Month 1

Gabriel Sales met with the GM, Managing Partner, Sales Reps and several representative engineers to understand:

  • Who is using the system?
  • How are they using the system?
  • Success Criteria?
  • Sales Process and Stages

Gabriel Sales also conducted an audit of multiple databases and home-grown project management software.


Month 2

After plan was approved GS kicked off the technical implementation including:

Technical Set-Up

  • Custom Fields
  • Lead Sources
  • Sales Stage Mirroring
  • Sales Tasks
  • Custom Page Layouts
  • Enhanced Components/Plug Ins
  • Third Party Email Systems
  • Lead Assignment Rules
  • Email Systems Integrations
  • View and Access Permissions

Custom Views

  • Lead Views
  • Contact Views
  • Opportunity Views

Database Import

Gabriel Sale then normalized the existing database and loaded into the system.


Month 3


Gabriel Sales trained a core team in the use of the system and worked with the GM to train the trainer. This included:

How to Use to Manage Sales

  • How to navigate and access Lead Lists
  • How to use Views
  • How to Complete Tasks and Log Activity
  • How to leverage Email System
  • How to track progress and view individual reports

How to Access Basic Reports

  • Lead Reports
  • Lead Conversion Reports
  • Activity Reports
  • Opportunity Reports


Sales Team and Engineers started using after 3 months.

After the team used for a quarter and with live data now flowing through the system, GM and Managing Partner circled back for some minor optimizations for increased visibility and insights including:

  • Sales Activity Dashboards
  • Forecasting Dashboards
  • Conversion Dashboards
  • Automated Task Triggers and Reminders

About the Company

An engineering firm specialized in Circuit Board Design and electrical engineering with 100 employees serving companies across North America, Europe and Asia Pacific.

About the Engagement

Company wanted to quickly implement and start using to tighten their sales processes, effectively manage their growth and increase visibility for General Manager and Managing Partner.

Marketing Automation Managed Services Case Study for Enterprise Client – Industrial Building Products Manufacturer

Marketing Automation Managed Services Case Study for Enterprise Client – Industrial Building Products Manufacturer

Gabriel Sales Helps Scale Company’s Marketing Automation Engine from 2 to 24 Campaigns to Produce 420 Sales Ready Leads


The five-person marketing team was very skilled in brand awareness, creative, strategy, tradeshow & event support, product marketing and inbound marketing. After years of successful event marketing, media and PPC marketing, they had captured and created an opt in database of close to 70% of the existing market.

They made the strategic decision to maximize the value of their existing database and committed to lead nurturing and ongoing buyer and customer education. Simultaneously, they were tasked with developing leads by increasing content education to move them deeper into the sales funnel.


No one on the marketing team had frontline sales experience or marketing automation expertise. The team knew how to create great content and great events but had no familiarity with Salesforce, Sales Operations or Marketing Automation Platforms. They were tasked with maximizing the value of their database and their investment in marketing automation tech. They were also tasked to create prequalified sales ready leads to support their Global Sales Team as well as measuring their campaigns, content and efforts.


After leveraging Gabriel Sales to optimize their Account Engagement (Pardot) Implementation and Salesforce Integration, the Company moved to an ongoing Monthly Marketing Automation and Salesforce Operations Managed Services engagement. Gabriel Sales staffed a blended team of a marketing automation manager, database administrator, email marketing expert, Senior Salesforce Administrator & Pardot Specialist and account manager.

The Senior Salesforce Admin, Pardot Specialist and Account Manager worked with the marketing team turn their nurturing goals, visions and strategies into reality helping the team to:

  • Prioritize a systematic roll out of campaigns
  • Optimize technologies
  • Integrate additional technologies into Salesforce and Pardot
  • Seamless hand-off of leads from marketing to Global Sales team
  • Set up systems for long-term measurement and reporting

Simultaneously, Gabriel Sales took on the day-to-day management executing a wide variety of campaigns including:

Trade show pre and post support:

  • Account-based Marketing Programs to Subsets of the Database
  • Landing Pages for Co-Branded Trade Publication Campaigns
  • General Nurturing Campaigns
  • Event Based Campaigns (Webinars)

Day to Day Tasks Included:

  • Email Templates
  • Landing Page Builds
  • Dynamic Content Builds
  • Form Builds
  • Campaign Workflows
  • Lead Tracking
  • Automations and Completion Actions for Lead Assignments
  • Lead Scoring
  • UTM Tracking and Profiling
  • Testing and QA
  • Data Management and Cleanliness

In Addition, Gabriel Sales Continued to Implement Best Practices and Expand Reporting Capabilities in Quarterly Sprints as More Data Became Available

  • KPIs
  • Data Governance
  • SOPs and How-To Guides
  • Dashboards
  • Quarterly Train the Trainer so tools could be rolled out to Senior Marketers and Sales Teams


Year One Results

Company’s existing marketing team was able to focus on strategy, core competencies and content generation.

Gabriel Sales Launched a Lead Nurturing Sales Ready Lead Process

Company and Gabriel Sales collaborated to introduce systematic content marketing and Sales Ready Lead workflows. This resulted in a 10x increase in New Leads, the introduction of pre-qualified Sales Ready Leads for a seamless hand off from marketing to sales, resulting in 4X the lead conversions in 70% less time.

Scaled Sustainable Marketing Capacity

Gabriel Sales blended team also created the infrastructure, defined, documented and executed multiple day to day tasks leveraging company’s existing technology stack. This maximized their investment in technology, database and content creation. This also created a clear path to ongoing, affordable and sustained sales funnel and pipeline development.

Developed Numerous Measure and Insight Capabilities

Gabriel Sales was also able to provide dashboards, reporting and quarterly reviews to measure:

  • Content attribution
  • Marketing attribution
  • Message measurement
  • Specific campaign ratios
  • Sales team activity dashboards
  • Form productivity and lead source attribution
  • Time to conversions

This allowed the marketing team to make smarter decisions which optimized campaigns and empowered sales teams.

Year Two

After the marketing team’s and Gabriel Sales initial success, the decision was made by CMO and Chief Sales Officer to roll out the program across additional divisions.

Gabriel Sales crafted and documented initial SOPs, Workflows and Best Practices and is currently in the process of scaling to 3 additional Divisions within the company.

About the Company

A building products manufacturer selling with over $2B in annual revenue.

About the Division

Marketing team was responsible for selling engineered materials to building supply manufacturers. Team was tasked with generating new Sales Ready leads and educating existing customers to accelerate sales cycle and increase order sizes.

Build Marketing Automation Engine Case Study For Software Company – Small Business

Build Marketing Automation Engine Case Study For Software Company – Small Business

Gabriel Sales Helps Scale Company’s Nurture Programs And Sales Ready Leads


Company had a moderately well-established brand as one of several solutions to the problem they solved for their customer. The sale was not an “if” but “when” and “how” solution, as it was eventually a requirement to remain compliant within the industry.

Historically the company had used cold calling, events and tradeshows to generate business. As a result, they had developed a database of roughly 50K targets representing 60% of the marketing.

During the pandemic their strategy shifted to webinars, industry newsletters, educational articles and a podcast. Company needed to move from Mailchimp and a homegrown CRM to Salesforce and Pardot

They were able to do this quickly because:

  • The CEO and COO were industry thought leaders skilled in both training and public speaking
  • They had a part time event coordinator and two full time content creators.

The company had four full time sales reps that were historically both inside/outside in geographic territories.

The CEO had experience in managing the company but had not previously overseen a sales team or held a day-to-day sales position before founding the company.

Company was using Account Engagement (Pardot) to send one-off emails with specific offers.


The company had tried to implement both Salesforce and Account Engagement on their own. They had sound strategic content marketing instincts, great content creators and inbound experts (but PPC was capped at the results it was producing).

The company lacked outbound marketing and senior sales executive and senior sales marketing expertise. As a result they were struggling with implementing best practices to get the most from their CRM, Automation Technologies and their substantial library of existing and ongoing content creation.

  • The company needed to provide their sales team with a sustained flow of leads.
  • The CEO needed the ability to manage that team
  • The company needed visibility into the effectiveness of their marketing efforts and their sales team
  • CEO needed the ability to forecast growth to strategically set growth targets and quotas


Gabriel Sales was hired to optimize Pardot and Salesforce to ensure that leads were being managed effectively and to create workflows to leverage the company’s content to nurture the database of 50K leads.

Month 1

Gabriel Sales conducted an initial Audit. This allowed Gabriel Sales to:

  1. Confirm the basic system implementation was done correctly and GS was able to start to optimize the systems with about 10 hours of additional work so it was campaign ready and ready to be leveraged more effectively by sales.
  2. Craft a Road Map to leverage their existing system to nurture and score leads
  3. Establish goal for the CRM to:
    • Prioritize leads for sale reps
    • Effectively track sales reps daily activities
    • Increase visibility and ability to forecast the
  4. Define the campaign insights required from the marketing automation platform
  5. Segmentation of database
  6. Establish sales reps workflows in Salesforce
  7. Make long term content and campaign workflows
  8. Define inbound lead form needs

Month 2

Gabriel Sales addressed the immediate optimization priorities to ensure data, workflows and forms were doing what they needed to do.

Month 3

Gabriel Sales systematically took over the day to day management executing a wide variety of functions with best practices. This allowed company to execute, optimize and increase volume systematically — eventually scaling to:

Marketing Operations:

  • Weekly newsletter
  • Nurturing Campaigns
  • Content Management
  • Podcast Management
  • Webinar Management
  • Database Management
  • Segmentation Management
  • Campaign Attribution
  • Social Posting
  • Campaign Specific Reporting

Sales Operations Management:

  • List Views
  • Lead Scoring Prioritization
  • Daily Activity Reporting
  • Forecasting and Dashboards
  • User Management

Reporting and Analysis:

  • Google Analytics
  • Attribution
  • Social Follower Tracking
  • Campaign Attribution


Tactical Results

Gabriel Sales was able to create a technical system, marketing operations and lead transition process that allowed the company to maximize their investment in content marketing, their technology (including additional third-party integrations), database and events.

The Business and Sales Results

The streamlined process, increased visibility for sales management, consistent content marketing to stay top of mind with the buyers and lead scoring allowed the company to double their monthly flow of sales ready leads and simultaneously cut their sales team from 4 sales reps to 2 senior sales reps producing the following results.

About the Company

Company provides both software and training resources to help small and mid-sized companies comply with federal rules and regulations.

The sales is not an “if” decision but a “when” and/or “how” decision.

Building trust with thought leadership and staying top of mind when the buyer is ready to explore options is critical to success.

Typical sales cycle was 90 to 180 days is budget cycle dependent typically with an incumbent or an internal process that needed to be replaced.