Lead Nurturing Drives Sales Ready Leads Success Video

Lead Nurturing Drives Sales Ready Leads Success Video

Lead Nurturing Drives Sales Ready Buyers Success Video

In this short video Collective Goods’ SVP of Sales, Tony Gilio, discusses how lead nurturing drives Sales Ready Leads.  He explains how Digital Demand Center allowed him to increase his flow of sales ready buyers, doubled his closing rate and reduce his Sales Development Rep headcounts cost by over 50%.

(Watch Time – 3:00 Minutes)

Conversation with Collective Goods SVP of Sales, Tony Gilio

Collective Goods was struggling to deliver a full funnel of new business and qualified opportunities to their team of over 150 outside sales reps.  Tony explains how he had Gabriel Sales and Digital Demand Center increase the efficiency of his inside sales team by implementing a digitized pre-sales process supported by a marketing automation technology stack.   In this short video Tony explains:

  • How Digital Demand Center doubled his volume of Sales Ready Leads by 50%
  • How “Sales Ready” leads reduced his telemarketing team from eight to four reps reducing his cost by 50%
  • Why his New Business closing rate went from 10% to 50%
  • How this lead nurturing and demand generation solution provided his closer the volume they needed for success

Excerpts from Lead Nurturing Drives Sales Ready Buyers

“The, the reason why I believe that Digital Demand Center had so much success with us was because they’ve done it from all angles. They are sales professionals, they are marketing experts.  The understand and see the whole business cycle. And, well I guess now they are the whole business cycle for us, right. And they’ve just digitized it and made it more efficient for us to be able to succeed. Their expertise allowed us to be more efficient in our process.”

“So the first step that we had with Gabriel Sales and Digital Demand Center was just streamlining that Sales Development Process.  The reason why we had so much more success is that the buyers we started calling were warmed up. They had already watched videos, they had already seen the content. They had basically told us that they wanted us to call them.”

“I was skeptical that digitizing this would be able to replace, um, all our portion of our telemarketing team. And the reality is really that’s how people want to transact nowadays. They, they are more digitally focused. They are less apt to pick up a call, especially because so many people are on their cell phones. They don’t want to listen to a telemarketer. So they’re transacting on a digital format through video. They’re watching as much as they want to watch. The buyer is learning about us and we are  watching and we’re learning, about their behaviors.   And then we can follow up accordingly”

Software Sales Lead Nurturing Success – A Customer Conversation

Software Sales Lead Nurturing Success – A Customer Conversation

Learn about the 300% Sales Impact Gabriel Sales’ Turnkey Demand Generation Engine drove for a Mobile App and Software Company

In this short video Digital Demand Center’s client – Entrepreneur and Founder Bryan Banks shares his software sales demand generation and lead nurturing success story.

(Watch Time – 5:00 Minutes)

Software Sales Lead Nurturing Success Conversation with Bryan Banks, Founder KipTraq

Bryan Banks is an entrepreneur that is focused on growing his mobile application and software business with no outside investors.  Bryan was committed to fueling that growth with sales and smart marketing decisions. In this short conversation Bryan discusses how Digital Demand Center:

  • Allowed Bryan to to focus on closing business and product development
  • Kept his funnel full with sales opportunities for his existing sales team
  • Educated his buyers so they were excited to talk to sales 

Excerpts – Software Sales Lead Nurturing Success Highlights

 “I didn’t really to focus on the sales side. I have sales reps for that, and they were doing a pretty good job, but I wanted to give them the tools that they needed to be successful. We wanted to be able to be able to scale this business in such a way that, that we could bring in leads digitally instead of having to go out sniffing for them.  And Demand Center filled that niche for us. We were able to really keep that funnel full.”

“Whenever I go buy something, whether it’s a car or a, a new microphone or, you know, from my computer or whatever it is, I do my research online. I think everybody does that these days.  I wouldn’t go to a,car dealership and, and talk to the salesperson and, and cold and say, – Hey, tell me about, you know, the, the pros and cons of these two vehicles, right? I want to come in as an educated buyer. So the thing that really stuck with me after working with Digital Demand Center is that that’s their goal as well. They want to create Educated buyers.”

“So there are three reasons that I would recommend Digital Demand Center. Number one is they’ve got a great technology stack. They helped us move it from an Excel type process into something where we could, we could scale. Number two is that their staff really work well with our team…, they know what it is, what we do, and they’re able to make recommendations in terms of how we should market this product to our potential customers…the third reason I would recommend them is because they’re really focused on educating our potential buyers. So by the time somebody is actually talking to one of our sales reps, they’ve probably seen a couple and read a couple of our blogs. They’ve watched some videos. And so when we are bringing leads in from the outside and moving them through a funnel where they’re educated, they learn what it is that we offer, they get excited about it. So by the time they actually come and are talking with us, our sales reps and myself, they know what it is they want, and they know that KipTraq is something that they need.”

Lead Generation vs Demand Generation Webinar

Lead Generation vs Demand Generation Webinar

Part 4 in our Digital First Transformation Series

The Differences Between Lead Gen vs. Demand Gen and the Impact on Your Sales Funnel

In this Lead Generation vs Demand Generation Webinar, the final in the series, we examine tie it all together to help business owners decide if Demand Generation, Lead Nurturing and Sales Automation is the right fit for their sales process. We discuss the difference between Lead Generation and Demand Generation.  We detail the impact of both on your sales funnel production and cost of sales.  We then explain when you can just use a lead generation process and when you need demand generation.   We explain what types of businesses are an ideal fit for Digital Demand Center™ specifically.  And provide projections our typical customer realizes over the course of 18 months.

(Watch Time – 15:00 Minutes)


Topics Covered in This Lead Generation vs Demand Generation Webinar Include:

  • Clearly define lead generation and demand generation
  • Explain the purpose and limitations of both process
  • Contrast the impact of both on your sales funnel
  • Explain when you should only invest in lead generation
  • Explain what type of sales process needs lead nurturing and pre-sales automation to survive and thrive
  • Clearly define what type of business and sales process gets the best return from demand generation and Digital Demand Center™ specifically
  • How long it takes to launch a demand generation engine
  • Concrete forecasts of the sales funnel production you should expect from Digital Demand Center
  • How to calculate your KPIs and Return on Investment
The ROI of Lead Nurturing Webinar

The ROI of Lead Nurturing Webinar

 Part 3 in our Digital First Transformation Series

The Investment Required for B2B Demand Generation and Lead Nurturing Success and the ROI You Can Expect

In The ROI of Lead Nurturing Webinar we will discuss the investment required to build a demand generation a lead nurturing engine. This lead nurturing webinar discusses the budget required to launch your engine including crafting a go-to-marketing strategy,  database acquisition, technology implementation and content production. We then detail the monthly budget to execute awareness campaigns, lead nurturing campaigns and sales automation campaigns. The webcast then shares the Return on Investment you can expect from a Digital First Process when compared to running lead generation campaigns and leveraging Sales Development Reps for pre-sales education. This ROI analysis includes both increased sales production as well as lowering your cost of sales. Finally we wrap up with how you can calculate your Return on Investment.

(Watch Time – 19:00 Minutes)

Topics Covered in The ROI of Lead Nurturing Webinar Include:

This session is broken into four detailed parts to help business owners understand the math in every area of their business and budget.  These areas include: Start Up Budget, Ongoing Monthly, Areas of ROI, and How to Calculate Your ROI.

The Budget Required to Launch a Successful Demand Generation and Lead Nurturing Engine

  • Crafting a Strategy
  • Database Aquations
  • Ad Budgets
  • Content Production
  • Automation Software Stack Implementation

Ongoing Monthly Budget  

  • Marketing and Sales Operations
  • Software
  • Additional Content Production

The Topline and Bottomline Areas Where You Can Expect and ROI (Especially with a Turnkey/Proven Solution)

  • Risk Reward vs. Historical Sales Development Rep Driven Process
  • Software
  • Increased Sales Production
  • Increased Revenue at Lower Cost

ROI Calculation

  • Pipeline Production
  • Cost Savings
  • Increased Revenue
Technology Required for Lead Nurturing Webinar

Technology Required for Lead Nurturing Webinar

 Part 2 in our Digital First Transformation Series

B2B Demand Generation, Lead Nurturing, Pre-Sales Automation and the Lead Nurturing and Automation Tech Required

(Watch Time -15:00 Minutes)

In this Technology Required for Lead Nurturing Webinar we recap the critical needs of your Digital First Buyer and share what processes and tactics you need to implement to meet those needs. We then use Digital Demand Center’s automation technology stack to demonstrate how lead nurturing and lead scoring work together to  provide closers with a sustained flow of well educated buyers prioritized directly in your CRM.  You will also learn about all the technology required for lead nurturing.

Topics Covered in this Technology Required for Lead Nurturing Webinar Include:

  • How “Digital First” Started
  • How Enterprise B2B Embraced the Digital First Buyer
  • Impact on the B2B Sales Process
  • The Choice and Consequences for All of Us
  • The Strategy and Process to Address These Changes
  • How DDC™ Helps You Maximize this Opportunity and How DDC™ Works
  • Demo of the Tech Stack Required for Success
  • How Lead Scoring Works