Sales Operations Outsourcing and Sales Consulting Case Study

The Challenge

A small company had two years of declining revenue. The original founders decided to part ways. Gabriel Sales’ client retained ownership of mid-sized business clients and the web technology software, architecture and engineering teams. The second founder spun off a graphic design company. The new entities executive’s core competency was sales but he needed to focus on rebuilding operations and maintaining strategic partnerships. Was looking for quick operational support.

Selling To: Directors of Marketing, Small Business Owners, Creative Directors of Small and Medium Sized Business

The Solution

  1. Lead Generation and Inside Sales Outsourcing-Gabriel Sales staffed lead generation and inside sales staff trained by founder to fill the pipe and close basic service offering.
  2. Sales Consulting and New Product Launch-Gabriel Sales examined existing infrastructure and service offering and identified an internal self-publishing tool that could be sold as a stand alone offering
  3. Part Time Inside Sales Staffing -Gabriel Sales dedicated a telemarketer to focus on the new product offering, packaged and staffed an inside sales representative to generate blended technology and service offering deals for founder to close.

The Results

New Prospects


Retention Rate

Deals in 4 Months

  • From a universe of 2,000 targets, Gabriel Sales contacted 500 new prospects and past clients to introduce the new entity.
  • Gabriel Sales provided an infrastructure including a cleaned and organized database, created a sales training manual then recruited and transitioned the team back in-house, once the founder had reorganized and built internal operations.
  • Company retained 90% of clients.
  • Gabriel Sales closed 3 new deals in a 4-month period and passed 20 plus prospects  for additional development by founder and transitioned team (7 closed within 6 months)

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