Increasing Your B2B Sales Volume and Revenue – What’s Changed?

Increase B2B Sales Volume and Revenue

Selling No Longer Works This Way!

This is the first blog in a four part series that talks about how to increase b2b sales volume, including the radical shift in B2B sales and the changes you can start to make to your to B2B lead generation and B2B demand generation tactics, and B2B sales tactics to set a course that can more than double your volume and revenue growth over the coming 18 months.

The series will discuss what has caused the shift in B2B sales (as a hint buyers don’t buy the way the used to), how this change in volume and revenue impacts your business and why you may need to change your approach , why marketers are more important than ever in your sales process and how you can turn this knowledge into a significant B2B sales and B2B lead generation advantage in 2013 to shift your approach to get it right.

And there is no doubt that you need to get it right because according to a recent study by Adam Needles companies that have embraced selling to the buyer the way they want to buy have seen an increase in revenue of 157% over the past 2 years.  Companies that continue to sell “old school”  (banging the phone, blindly running campaigns, and relying on solely on tradeshows and the occasional webcast) have seen stagnant sales while simultaneously experiencing an increase in what it costs to sell.  Double downside vs double upside.

The good news is that, according to Forrester Research, we are still only at 10% market adoption of companies that have totally nailed the new paradigm, so you can turn your competitors ignorance into your gain.   The even better news for Small Businesses is that according to the same study it takes a Fortune 2000 competitor 18 months and twice the costs to turn around their culture because of the fiefdoms and resistance inherent in larger organizations.

What’s Changed

So what’s changed?  Unless you have had your head in the sand you know that its tougher to get your buyer on the phone (our connect ratios – someone picking up the phone on the other end when you dial has dropped from 18%-21% to 6%-11% over the past 2 years).  And we all know that the sales cycle has increased volume and revenue by about 1.5X to 2X (that’s months, quarters or even a calendar year depending on your sales cycle.  It’s not rocket science to figure out that the buyer and not the seller now controls the sales process.  That simple fact is the one thing you need to keep top of mind throughout this series.

Buyers are More Risk Adverse

It’s not 2006 anymore.  The stock market bounces up and down daily.   Experimental budgets have been cut.   There are both real and imagined geo-political and domestic issues that get exacerbated and hyped by a 24 hour news cycle.  There is a great deal more that is perceived to be out of our control so if you have a budget you do control folks are now much tighter with it.  Buyers want to be smarter and more cautious before they buy.

There are more people involved in the buying process

Since 2009 there are more people involved in the buying process (confirming the point above there is safety in making “group” decisions).  According to a Marketing Sherpa Study there are typically three people involved in transactions of 25K to 100K and four to eight people involved in a deal over 100K.   And, according to the Harvard Business Review 90% Buying decisions now require both a technical decision maker and business decision maker in the final decision.  All this requires your team to educate and sell to more people with different needs.  In a nutshell companies are staggeringly more risk adverse and being much more diligent in their decision making process.

Software as a Service, Telco and Apple (among others) are turning B2B sales experience into a consumer sales experience for everyone

SaaS companies have done a great job turning a B2B sale in a “consumer” purchase experience.   You come into the website, find the product you are looking for, research it and then in some cases just plug in your credit card.    Buyers can in most cases never even speak with a sale rep unless you ‘the buyer’ feel the need to reach out to speak to a sale rep.    This coupled with the fact that buyers can now make larger consumer purchases like smart phones,  computers, and even cars by doing their own research and placing an order has made them even more comfortable buying without a sales rep.  Consider how you purchase your home media now.  I personally have bundled phone, internet, a cable sports package and layered in Netflix and Hulu streaming through a Blue Ray and my kids Wii without ever speaking with a “sales person” except to schedule an installation.  Finally look at your experience in an Apple store.  The “sales”  people greet you, let you  (and your family play) with the technology, have you queue to get help and then pull out an iPhone to take your $500-$2K.   B2B sales and marketing teams have had the bar raised and need to strive to improve the ease of education and purchase wherever possible.

Why digital sales content is now critical

YouTube, Webcasts and Podcasting Twitter and Facebook may feel like they have been around forever but its only been several years. And serious adoption in the B2B sale is less than a couple years old.  The average buyer now consumes 12 pieces of digital sales content before they purchase (up from 5 in 2011) and this trend is expected to continue.

Similar to SaaS sales and other technologies we discussed above consider how your family or friends now consume “entertainment” media.  When I looked around my living room a couple nights ago my wife was on her iPhone posting videos of the kids for the grandparents on Facebook, while catching up on Twitter,  my son was on the iPad checking out 2012 MLB stats,  my daughter was self-publishing a “picture book” on the desktop  and I was watching an NFL game (while DVRing the Amazing Race), flipping through the Sunday New York Times on my iPhone and pulling  Google Analytics report for a meeting on Monday that compared mobile traffic during a time period in 2012 vs. 2011 (see below).


b2b sales volume

Mobile Traffic Oct 2012


b2b sales revenue increase

Mobile Traffic 2011As consumers we are used to consuming content where we want to and when we want to.  We are consuming across platforms.  We are mixing our consumption of entertainment and work related content throughout the day and evening.  And it’s easy.   We now feel entitled. The same philosophy needs to be applied to how you sell to the B2B buyer.  If they want to consider purchasing your solution on a Sunday evening let them.

Bottom line you need digital content because there are more people involved in the buying process. You need to share it effectively and you need to deliver your message in multiple formats so your buyer can educate and buy on their timeline and schedule, not yours.

You need to meet the buyer where they are in their buying cycle and not force them into your “sales cycle”

Inbound leads are coming much earlier in the decision making process when buyers are still at the education phase which means your initial job as a sales and marketing team is to educate first.  This means you need to help educate a potential buyer before you “sell”.  This gets tricky because this can increase your costs if you are over investing in “selling” to buyers that are not ready to transact. The flip side and potentially even more daunting is that we are now seeing that 25% of your buyers make their purchase decision after self-education and calling a sales rep after short listing online (Sirius -2012).  This means that your team needs to be able to quickly figure out where a buyer is in the buying cycle quickly so they can treat them appropriately.    So there is both an upside and a downside it getting this right.

If you sell too hard early we know that:

  • 70% of leads are passed to Sales Reps before they are ready to engage ( Marketing Sherpa -2012)
  • 80% of mishandled leads will buy from a competitor (Forrester -2011)

If you get it right we know that:

  • “Well nurtured leads close 23% faster and result in 40% more revenue” (Aberdeen-2012)


What’s happening right now is not a small shift.  It’s the final transformation that was the promise of a connected world when the Internet first reared its head in almost 30 years ago. And in the last 2 years the shift is accelerating dramatically.  Since the birth of modern banking during the Renaissance (and possibly before) the majority of transactions have been driven by a seller and buyer relationship.  The seller had information and shared it with the buyer and then the buyer bought.  What we are witnessing right now is the final stages of the seismic shift that has been slowly taking place since we first got the internet in the mid 90s and Google organized it for immediate access 10 years later.  They buyer now expects to be able to buy without the intervention of sales whenever possible.   They expect honest and authentic information and they want it now. If you don’t get prepared to do this for your buyer –  to make this process fast, easy, not deeply sales rep dependent and your competitor does you will lose.

To learn what this cultural shift means for your own sales and marketing culture please check out the next blog in this series for things to consider as you ponder the obvious question What Does All this Mean for Your Business

If all this seems a bit daunting in the short term you can also feel free to  check out our Sell Smarter and Sell Fast Whitepaper to learn about short term tactics you can implement on your own right now.

Here are some quick links for additional reading:

Part 1 – Increasing Your B2B Sales Volume and Revenue – What’s Changed?

Part 2What Does Your B2B Sales and Marketing Culture Need to Look Like?

Part 3 –  What Core Competencies do I Need From My Marketing and Lead Generation Team?

Part 4 –  How Can Marketing Automation Improve My B2B Sales Performance?

Part 5 –  Why is Content Marketing is Now Required for Quality B2B Lead Generation?

Why Is Audience Segmentation Important

audience-segmentationDefining Audience Segmentation

Audience segmentation, also called market segmentation, is an important aspect of creating an effective sales or marketing strategy.  Most basically, it is about finding better customers.  In past decades, marketing has generally been directed at mass audiences, sending the same message to all potential customers.  Audience segmentation works to divide your target audience into groups that have similar interests or buying behavior.

By dividing your audience into segments and crafting marketing messages targeted to each segment, you are able to reach each customer with marketing that is relevant to him or her.  If your potential customer feels that your message is not relevant to them, you will most likely be ignored.

Segmentation also helps you build a better relationship with your potential customers because people are more likely to respond positively to messages they feel are directed to them personally.  The more targeted your message, the more likely it becomes that your customer will engage with you.

With time, segmenting can also help you uncover potential market opportunities you might have otherwise missed, allowing you to create products and services better tailored around the specific needs and interests of your various customer segments.

What this means is that in today’s world, sending out a generic or mass message is no longer worth your time and could even end up costing you business. When you send out a mass-message that a customer has zero interest in, not only will you be ignored, but your customer may also see you as incompetent or uncaring.

What you want to do instead is give your customers information that is directly relevant to their personal needs and known buying behavior. If you do this correctly, segmenting your audience can yield a substantial increase in response and engagement and, consequently, rates of conversion.

The most crucial aspect of implementing b2b marketing audience segmentation effectively is coming to understand what types of information each segment likes to consume and how each segment likes to consume it.  With this information, you can create and target messages using the forms of media most in line with a segment’s purchasing behavior.  For instance, if you know that a particular segment likes their content via videos, you’ll want to provide them links to your YouTube channel.  Similarly, if you know an audience segment prefers to read text, you send them text in the form of emails, blogs or white papers according to that audience segmentation.

The overall goal of audience or market segmentation is to avoid sending irrelevant messages to unreceptive customers.  By understanding that different people (and different businesses) have different needs and media-consumption preferences, you can set up a marketing strategy that operates more efficiently and much more effectively.

What are the Benefits of Audience Segmentation?

What are the Benefits of Audience Segmentation?

3In our last post, we discussed audience segmentation and why it is important for B2B marketing.  To summarize, the benefits of audience segmentation involves dividing your customers into groups based on their specific needs and purchasing behavior so that you can craft marketing messages to match each targeted group.

When executed successfully, here are the 5 benefits of audience segmentation:

  1. Less Negative Feedback. When you stop sending messages to people who do not want them, you are much less likely to annoy people to the point of complaint.
  2. Increased Rates of Response. People are much more willing to respond to something if it is relevant to their interests.
  3. Decreased Marketing Expenditures. When you know who your target audience is, you do not waste time and money marketing to those outside the group.
  4. Decreased Long-term Costs. Audience segmentation also saves money by decreasing the amount of time spent following up on less qualified leads.
  5. Higher Rates of Conversion. By providing your customers with relevant purchasing information, you are much more likely to close.

Overall, producing these benefits of audience segmentation is a key aspect of a successful sales and marketing strategy. For more information on the benefits of audience segmentation, please feel free to request a review.

Grow your business with modern sales and marketing.

Proven strategies, tactics, technology and talent to generate a sustained flow of qualified sales opportunities.


Contact our team now and evaluate in detail if our solution will help grow your business.

B2B Lead Generation Best Practices: Measure All Tactics

This blog will discuss a competitive advantage and a Best Practice for B2B Lead Generation for 2013. As a qualified sales lead generation company, we were surprised how many B2B marketers still had a black box correlating b2b lead generation to sales return on investment. We will let the graphics below demonstrate how easy it could be for your business to gain a leg up on your competition by simply implementing a tool like Pardot, as a best practice for B2B lead Generation.

According to the 2nd annual Webmarketing123 State of Digital Marketing Survey (of over 500 U.S. marketing professionals) Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Pay Per Click Advertising (PPC), and Social Media Marketing (SMM) are increasing in their level of adoption and spend, where spend is forecasted to continue to increase in 2013. The report when on to state:

“For B2B, lead generation is the top objective, and SEO is twice as effective as PPC or SMM for this purpose.”

“Budgets: 90% of marketers will increase or maintain spending on SEO, PPC, and SMM.”

Still doing SEO in-house? “Marketers using an agency are twice as likely to be highly satisfied with their campaign performance.”

What we found surprising in the study are the statistics below:

Hopefully a couple of pictures do paint a thousand words here. As we close 2015 and move to 2016 you need to ask yourself three questions around your b2b lead generation efforts.

  • How do I improve what I don’t measure?
  • If I do measure will it improve my performance?
  • How much more revenue will I generate once I focus my marketing dollars on what’s producing?

Gabriel Sales provides b2b lead generation services and builds demand generation engines that integrate both sales reps, b2b lead gen, sales engagement and inbound marketing efforts.  To see how we can help accelerate your production in this last quarter of 2012 so you hit the ground running in 2013 please feel free to contact us for a free benchmark review.

For additional info on marketing automation implementations, tips to improve the performance of your telesales team, your b2b lead generation  or how to accelerate your content marketing efforts please feel free to check out our resources page.

Outsourced Sales and Marketing Requires Strategic Commitment

Outsourced Sales and Marketing can help you to achieve your sales targets faster and at a reduced operational cost. This is especially true if you are just getting out of the gate. In a previous blog we discussed the time and money it can save you in recruiting, sales management and marketing management.  However you cannot expect to under fund your sales and marketing efforts and still compete in the market. This is especially true if you are a young company, a technology start-up or new to the market. An outsourced sales and marketing solution has the advantages of a fully functioning organization that is already in motion but you need to consider your competition and understand that if there is competition in the market that you need to invest enough to allow your sales and marketing team the ability to compete and win.

Some Strategic Issues that Shape Successful Outsourced Sales and Marketing

Here are some of the areas you should expect your outsourced sales and marketing company to explore with you:

Market dynamics – What is your understanding of the market and selling dynamics of other companies –  Do you understand your differentiators.  What is your core value proposition? How deep is your understanding of the competitive landscape?

Do you have realistic goals –   Do you have any existing conversion metrics and sales pipe history to support those goals? Is one of the top priorities of your sales and marketing outsourced vendor to help with this?

Key events in your sales cycle – What are the key events that occur during your customers buying cycle?  What is your win loss ratio? Do you need your sales and marketing outsourcing solution to help you figure this out.  In that case you may want to position this as a consulting engagement to your board.  If any of the past several issues has left you wondering what is the difference between outsourced sales vs. sales consulting here is a quick overview from a past blog post…Sales Consulting vs. Outsourced Sales.

What does your existing customer set look like –  The prospects an outsourced sales and marketing company like Gabriel Sales  will be targeting for you will want to understand who your current buyers are.   Prospects will want to know what vertical markets you are in and you will need to be able to provide your outsourced sales partner with reference clients in other verticals if they are opening a new vertical or market for you.

Do you have the budget and the patience to successfully execute to a successful plan –  While an external sales and marketing company can get you into the market faster and more effectively, a well executed plan takes time to ramp. Obviously using an outsourced sales and marketing company will allow you to gain traction quickly but they will not be able to dramatically change a company’s typical buying cycle for your product.  If your typical sales cycle takes 6-12 month you can expect an outsourced sales and marketing company to shave a month or two off that cycle at best but you need to account for the initial 90-120 days to ramp the initial pipe.  Do you have the patience to wait for the sales engine to ramp?  We typically see our efforts take significant hold at 9-12 months. We do have some tactics to gain traction with key accounts quickly.  To help on this front you need to have an ideal customer profile but realistic timing needs to be factored into the overall strategy.

The right level of funding  approved– All this boils down to the right level of funding.  Sales and marketing outsourcing help get you out of the gate faster and cheaper but it does not absolve you from the need to fund your efforts at levels where you can compete.  You need to make sure that senior management and your board are aware of this and do not set false expectations.  As with any strategic initiative you need to have buy-in and appropriate funding from the senior management team, and sales and marketing outsourcing is no exception.

There are many strategic decisions that you need to consider in executing a successful sales and marketing strategy.   This blog addresses a handful that we work through with you.   For additional tactics we use to ensure your long term success we invite you to check out a couple of our education series here:

Selling Smarter and Selling Faster White Paper

Build a Successful B2B Sales and Marketing Engine – Educational Resources

For more information on how Gabriel Sales has helped dozens of companies enter a market successfully  please feel free to contact for us an initial review.