Part 2 in our Digital First Transformation Series
B2B Demand Generation, Lead Nurturing, Pre-Sales Automation and the Lead Nurturing and Automation Tech Required
(Watch Time -15:00 Minutes)
In this Technology Required for Lead Nurturing Webinar we recap the critical needs of your Digital First Buyer and share what processes and tactics you need to implement to meet those needs. We then use Digital Demand Center’s automation technology stack to demonstrate how lead nurturing and lead scoring work together to provide closers with a sustained flow of well educated buyers prioritized directly in your CRM. You will also learn about all the technology required for lead nurturing.
Topics Covered in this Technology Required for Lead Nurturing Webinar Include:
- How “Digital First” Started
- How Enterprise B2B Embraced the Digital First Buyer
- Impact on the B2B Sales Process
- The Choice and Consequences for All of Us
- The Strategy and Process to Address These Changes
- How DDC™ Helps You Maximize this Opportunity and How DDC™ Works
- Demo of the Tech Stack Required for Success
- How Lead Scoring Works