Time is money-the time to outsource sales is now!
Lead generation is the critical first step in sales. A great sales person highly skilled at closing business may not have the time, and in some cases the skills to generate leads. In most cases it is not worth their time or effort to focus on many of the daily tasks required to generate leads. That is especially true in this day and age when the majority of buyers prefer to learn about new products and services with a quick call and a follow up email that explains the problems your company helps the buyer to solve. Hiring a company proficient in outsource sales could prove extremely beneficial.
Below are the four ways you can outsource marketing and sales to help you generate more leads in 2017.
One – Craft a comprehensive approach
Far too many small businesses do not have a systematic approach for producing new leads. Most small businesses sporadically send out emails and have their sales reps make phone calls when they have the time. The result generally gives credence to the old adage – Fail to plan and plan to fail. Success now requires a systematic and comprehensive strategy for generating leads.
An outsource sales and marketing company will be able to help you craft a repeatable and systematic process that will help build a consistent flow of leads into your closers sales funnel. At Gabriel Sales, our lead generation solution typically entails a combination of email marketing, cold calling, follow up call, google campaigns and social media out reach.
The most effective lead generation approaches allow you to reach the buyer multiple times. This requires multiple tactics, and you need to build a plan and then stick to the plan.
Two – Lead generation require content
According to multiple studies, the majority of buyers that are not immediately looking for a solution now prefer to learn about a new product or solution through a quick phone call followed up by an email that shares educational content. You now need content for effective lead generation. This content doesn’t need to overproduced, but it should be professionally done and it should be educational. Early stage lead generation should not sell. It should educate. Then, you need to support the development of the lead with additional content. Here is a link to a blog post that explains the type of content you will need and how it should be used. This explains the graphic below in a little more detail. You can start a successful lead generation program with as little as two or three simple, well done and educational pieces of content like checklists, webcasts, blog posts and explainer videos. An outsource sales and marketing company can help you to quickly product them.
Three – Use multiple tactics
As we touched on the topic above, you need to use multiple tactics. The days of throwing bodies at the telephone to just smile and dial are over. You can no longer depend on just one tactic to generate leads.
Once you have your content created there are multiple ways to reach out and share that content. We recommend that you keep it simple, but that you also use multiple approaches simultaneously. The goal is to get that educational content in front of as many buyers as possible multiple ways. An outsource sales company will be able to help you do this with emails, phone calls, mailed packages, Google retargeting campaigns and social platforms. We typically recommend using 3 to 5 approaches. When you use multiple approaches, you will triple your chances of getting your message to buyers.
We also recommend that you use a marketing automation platform to score buyer engagement. You can learn more about how and sales and marketing outsourcing company can help you do that that in this quick blog post .
Four – Set realistic goals and stick to your plan
Unrealistic goals can quickly destroy your momentum. When you work with an outsource sales and marketing company they will be able to help you benchmark what you can expect. Then, you need to set a 90 degree strategy and stick to it. Lead generation is a grind, but it is worth it. It is also a discipline that is like training for a sport; you need to do the same things daily and weekly to produce results. An outsource sales and marketing company will ensure that these daily and weekly blocking and tackling takes place and they will measure and report on results with regularity
Gabriel Sales specializes in help SMBs and Start Ups launch modern sales and marketing operations and to build successful and custom best practice strategies for lead generation. To learn more about our outsourced sales and marketing services we invite you to visit our outsource sales and marketing services page.