What Do B2B Customers Want from Your Branding & Marketing Content?

b2b branding and marketingWhile 93% of B2B companies are now engaged in content marketing, it seems many are still struggling to see their content have a direct impact on sales. An interesting survey from McKinsey suggests the reason for this has to do with the branding or messaging behind the content. The data shows that what companies think makes a good brand and what customers want from a brand are two different things.

The survey asked B2B customers what they cared about most when looking to select a company or brand. The three top responses were:

  • Cares about honest, open dialogue with its customers and society
  • Acts responsibly across its supply chain
  • Has a high level of specialist expertise

However, when B2B companies were asked what branding message they were conveying to customers, the top three responses were:

  • Role-models corporate social responsibility in its work
  • Promotes and practices sustainability in its products or services
  • Has global reach

These findings suggest B2B companies are missing an opportunity to connect with customers by talking past them. It seems that B2B companies may be attempting way more than they need to in their branding and marketing content.

Based on these responses, B2B companies seem to think they need to save the world. They seem to think customers want superheroes who can travel the world at lighting speed and solve the world’s environmental problems in their free time.

While customers would probably like that, it is not what they care most about while shopping for a B2B solution. Looking at the top responses, B2B customers simply want to know that you are genuine, responsible and good at what you do.

So, when coming up with your brand story and determining how to best tell that story through digital content, don’t over complicate or attempt to be something more than you are. Just explain what you do and how you do it in an authentic and helpful way.

For more on telling a consistent brand story, read What Confuses Your Prospect Most About Your Sales Process. Feel free to contact us with any questions.

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