b2b lead nurturing tacticsThe following 7 underused B2B lead nurturing tactics are key areas where you can outwit your competition when nurturing leads (that your competitors are quite likely also nurturing). Don’t think you’re the only one a lead is talking to – even if you offer/service/product is the best in your industry – leads are going to leverage the angle of “talking to someone else, too”. So implement these following tactics to stay steps ahead of your competition while giving leads the best possible experience:

  • Map your content to different stages in the buying cycle so that you know when to deliver content based on your lead’s activities.
  • Analyze customers who you’ve recently transacted with and create a flowchart of how they moved through your content from initial interaction to purchase.
  • Repurpose your content across various channels of consumption so your messaging is 1) consistent and 2) used to nurture your existing leads.
  • Use remarketing to continually reach leads who have already visited your site.
  • Test your first touch messaging (post-call follow-up emails, form auto-responders, etc.) to make sure that you are making the best first impression possible.
  • Stay consistent with repetitive content offers e.g. your newsletter. Leads, if they are finding your content useful, will grow to expect things being delivered as promised, like a monthly newsletter or weekly video series – don’t disappoint.
  • Don’t end a fresh lead’s visit prematurely. Make it easy after a new lead has transacted with your website (e.g. completed a form to request your whitepaper) to continue to consume your additional valuable content by sharing these resources on the conversion page/auto-responders. Or, leverage the newfound trust with an incentivized invite to connect on your primary social channels.

If you have any questions on lead nurturing, please feel free to contact us.