Sales Outsourcing Questions

How do we define sales outsourcing? Similar to outsourcing other functions like HR, IT and Accounting, sales outsourcing involves the use of a third party with the tools, team and talent to assume the management, execution, and in some cases, the strategy for existing sales programs. It is also a way to take new products to market. Sales and marketing outsourcing can take on a single function like top of funnel lead generation, or sales opportunity development. You can also leverage a sales outsourcing company to take the buyer through the entire process.

How can a sales outsourcing company help your business? Our clients have leveraged outsourced sales to improve their efforts in the following areas:

Sales Strategy. Sales strategy and execution is not always an area of expertise for many companies, especially small and mid-sized businesses. An sales outsourcing and marketing company can quickly help you frame a proven strategy.

Recruiting, hiring, training and managing sales and marketing professionals. Like any function of your business, success is often dependent on finding, training, managing and retaining the right talent. A sales outsourcing and marketing company has these disciplines and functions ingrained in their business. You should expect any sales outsourcing company to have a marketing support staff.

Sales and Automation Technology Expertise and Experience – For many companies, success now requires the ability to run integrated campaigns and to cost effectively score leads. A sales outsourcing and marketing company will have expertise implementing and integrating multiple systems like CRMs and Automation Technologies. This helps you to avoid the time and expense of finding this expertise. Understanding these best practices is a significant advantage for a business that does not have these tools in place.

Access to Databases – The ability to be successful with outbound sales and marketing efforts requires access to quality contacts to target, and the ability to segment these targets against your ideal customer profile. A sales outsourcing company will have subscriptions and access to multiple sources that have been previously vetted.

Speed to market. A business that needs to launch a new product must focus its efforts on development, and servicing/supporting the product or solution. An sales outsourcing company can help you move much faster than your competitors.

Additional Cost Benefits – Beyond many of the costs associated with the items mentioned above, an outsourced sales team helps you avoid costs like office space and equipment. In most cases, you can avoid the expense of hiring a full-time executive to manage your sales effort. In fact, you can often have a team of reps working for you for less than the cost of this one expense.


How Can Gabriel Sales Help

Gabriel Sales works closely with our clients to:

  • Run sales ready lead campaigns to fill your funnel
  • Recruit, train and manage our clients’ sales and marketing team
  • Leverage the most recent technologies to make your sales process more efficient and more effective
  • Provide total transparency and metrics so you can measure success at every stage of the sales process

To learn more about our approach please visit our About Us page. If you are looking for a point solution, you can visit our solutions here:

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