Sales Outsourcing and Marketing Automation

How Does Sales Outsourcing Use Marketing Automation to Generate Qualified Leads?

Marketing automation is at almost full adoption in most B2B technology companies. Larger companies will see as many as 20 new technologies in the marketing department.  But many other small businesses are just getting started or do not yet understand how automated tools can make their sales and marketing operations modern and more efficient. Sales outsourcing and marketing automation combined is one way to quickly create modern and more effective sales and marketing operations.


In this blog post, we will touch on how a sales outsourcing company will use marketing technology to produce better results. We will touch on the following areas:

  • Capturing Sales Leads
  • Lead Scoring
  • Email Automation
  • Lead Intelligence
  • Sales Lead Prioritization and Notification

Lead Capture

One feature of a marketing automation platform is an integrated form builder that allows you to capture leads. You can embed these forms and customize them anywhere on your website. This includes landing pages on your main website and even within HTML code in your emails.

Lead Scoring

There are two main ways to qualify leads:

  • Using implicit behaviors and activities
  • Explicit data and demographics

Using implicit information allows you to rank and score activities like opening emails, click through and also seeing what content the buyer is reading. It is very valuable especially if they are visiting pages that predict purchase intent. You can also use explicit data like company size, title and business vertical.

When these two are combined, it becomes very powerful in helping your sales reps to decide who they should prioritize to call first. This makes your sales process much more effective and also helps you save thousands to hundreds of thousands of dollars a year not calling buyers that are not interested.

Email Automation

You can stay top of mind by sending email to buyers on a regular basis. This ensures you remain top of mind with the buyer not ready to buy. And when they are ready to buy, their lead score will increase. This saves you time and money and also makes sure a lead does not slip through the cracks.

Lead Notifications Alerts

The automation system can be set up to send daily email digests to help buyers prioritize who they should call. Lists can be set up to score:

  • Most recent activities
  • Highest scores
  • Best fits

With these lists and summaries a Sales Development Rep can:

  • Prioritize their day with the most active prospects
  • Perform quick lookups of anonymous visitors in LinkedIn or Jigsaw to identify potential new prospects
  • Click on links to trigger CRM profile lookups
  • Send emails to active prospects with a few quick clicks
  • Filter out unwanted activity

Lead Intelligence

Once you transition the lead you will have a record of all the activities of the buyer. This digital footprint is valuable to the sales rep as they start to develop the deal and set themselves up to both be helpful to buyer and to close the sale. Activities like original lead source, specific page views, webinar attendance, etc., can all be tracked. This allows the sales rep to profile and frame the content for conversations, voicemails and follow-up emails based on those specific prospect activities.

About Gabriel Sales Sales Outsourcing

Gabriel Sales helps companies build modern sales and marketing operations. We are committed to marketing automation as one of the critical tools for sales success. We have over 50 marketing automation deployments under our belt. And we have implemented over a half dozen different email marketing and lead scoring technologies so we can help you decide on the best fit at the right price to meet your sales goals and stage of sales maturity.




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