Sales Habits of an Outsourcing Sales Team

Here are three habits you should expect from and outsourcing sales and marketing team. But first lets define a habit. A habit (or wont) is a routine of behavior that is repeated regularly and tends to occur subconsciously. … Habitual behavior often goes unnoticed in persons exhibiting it, because a person does not need to engage in self-analysis when undertaking routine tasks. Habits are sometimes compulsory.

If you are working with an outsourcing sales team you can often predict their success in lead generation, prospecting and the development of real sales opportunities based on the habits embedded in the culture of the organization.  In fact having these habits embedded in the culture if they do not exist in your culture can be one of the key advantages of working with an outsourcing sales team.

Here are the habits we believe you should expect from a sales outsourcing team:

Weekly Meetings to Discuss Sales Pipeline

Your sales outsourcing meeting should meet with you weekly to discuss the number of deals moving through the pipe and entering your sales pipeline:

  • Highlights of the best successes of the weekly efforts
  • What new leads have moved forward into the pipe
  • What new leads have entered the pipe

And your team should be prepared to share the following with your outsourcing sales team:

  • What deals have closed
  • What deals have fallen out of the pipe

You and your sales outsourcing partner should also have a clear scorecard they are working towards on a weekly, monthly and quarterly basis that tracks all these goals.

This habit aligns both you and your outsourcing sales team around the most important goal of consistent deal flow because pipeline focus drives production for everyone.

Following Up with Inbound Leads Immediately

In this age of digital education 85% percent of buyers research multiple vendors when they have a business problem they are trying to solve.  And the average amount of inbound inquiries they submit when they finally short list the companies they are interested in ranges from three to five..

You have a distinct advantage when you get back to those inbound leads immediately.  Especially if you are a small business competing against larger companies (since you are already at a disadvantage with headcount) and need to demonstrate that your size will not impact the responsiveness the buyer can expect.  In fact the ability of a sales outsourcing team to provide you with this responsiveness is a nice advantage a sales outsourcing team can provide.

Daily Use of the CRM by your Outsourcing Sales Team

Your sales outsourcing team should be active users of the CRM.  If your sales outsourcing team is prospecting you should expect every call to be recorded even if there is no connection.  If there is a connection you should expect the results of the calls to be recorded regardless if that call moves forward with a next step or not.  This habit ensure that your sales outsourcing team remains accountable on a daily basis for moving deals through the pipe and ensure you have:

  • The data you need to forecast and make projections accurately
  • Have the visibility you need to coach your outsourcing team on:
  • Where to focus their prospecting
  • How to overcome objections
  • And evaluate what deals they should focus to develop real opportunities

As a company you should also be committed to using the CRM on a daily basis. This is critical because it will help if you need to pass a lead back to your sales outsourcing team for further development.

Gabriel Sales takes a methodical approach to building sales outsourcing teams and marketing programs.  To learn more about our philosophy and approach we invite you to check out our outsourcing sales services page.


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