Quick Tip Prior to Outsourced Sales and Marketing Lead Generation

Gabriel Sales provides outsourced sales and marketing services.  Our outsourced sales and marketing solutions help small businesses and startups build repeatable sales and modern marketing organizations.  When we work with our clients we also help them to implement the right technology stack to help them benchmark every stage of their sales process so data can be leveraged for continuous improvement at every stage of the buyer’s journey.  Once the lead generation engine is built and productive we can then quickly and simply transition a client’s  outsourced sales lead generation to the company for continued self-management or we can continue to scale the effort.

What follows are several tips for companies that are just starting to consider if an outsourced sales lead generation and marketing solution is right for their business when they are specifically considering an outsourced lead generation function.

Know who you want and need to target. The first step for success when you engage in outsourced sales and marketing lead generation is to define the market you need to target.  The better your targeting the better the results.  You should expect your outsourced sales partner to work with you to define both your ideal organization and the ideal roles within that organization for you to target.

Outsourced sales and marketing lead generation should be used to scale not invent.  Before getting started with a fully outsourced sales and marketing lead generation program you should have your  prospecting process written down and tested internally first.  If you have not fully documented this process or have not yet run your own lead generation program you should expect your outsourced sales and marketing partner to work with you on a preliminary sales consulting project first to help you define and document a sales prospecting process.

You need educational content and collateral for a successful outsourced sales and marketing lead generation program. 70% of buyers prefer learning about a new product or solution with a quick conversation and/or an email that links them to educational content.   And then depending on your industry 20% to 90% of prospects use digital content to short list the vendors that they want to engage with for deeper sales conversations.  You will need to provide your outsourced sales lead generation team the content  they need to engage and interest buyers.  You will need email templates, FAQs, blog articles, educational assets and features and benefits sell sheets.  If you do not have this material your outsourced sales and marketing company should be able to work with you to create this content.

Agree to success metrics.   Prior to getting started you will need to define what success will be measured on.  You should not expect your outsourced sales lead generation team to close deals for you.  If this is your success criteria you will need to engage your partner for more than lead generation.  However you can expect your outsourced lead generation team to qualify leads if that is agreed to in advance.

Have a plan in place to transition leads.  If leads are not followed up with on a timely and consistent basis you will just be wasting your outsourced lead generation investment.  Before pulling the trigger on an outsourced lead generation program have a plan and at least one sales rep to transition the leads to.

How Gabriel Sales Can Help

If you are an outsourced sales lead generation program Gabriel Sales has developed a turnkey Sales Ready Lead and Sales Automation Starter Package

As a B2B outsourced sales and marketing company, we understand that ROI is important so this package includes a free preliminary assessment to see if outsourced sales is the right solution for your business.  To learn more about our approach you can also visit the About Us page.

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