Best Practice for B2B Lead Generation – Measure All Tactics

by | Sep 29, 2012 | B2B Demand Generation

qualified sales lead generation companyBest Practice for B2B Lead Generation – You Can’t Improve What You Don’t Measure

This blog will discuss a competitive advantage and a Best Practice for B2B Lead Generation  for 2013.  As a qualified sales lead generation company we were surprised how many B2B marketers still had a black box correlating b2b lead generation to sales return on investment.  We will let the graphics below demonstrate how easy it could be for your business to gain a leg up on your competition by simply implementing a tool like Pardot in 2013 as a best practice for B2B lead Generation.

According to the 2nd annual Webmarketing123 State of Digital Marketing Survey (of over 500 U.S. marketing professionals) Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Pay Per Click Advertising (PPC), and Social Media Marketing

(SMM) are increasing in their level of adoption and spend.  And spend is forecasted to continue to increase in 2013.    The report when on to state:

  • For B2B, lead generation is the top objective, and SEO is twice as effective as PPC or SMM for this purpose.
  • Budgets: 90% of marketers will increase or maintain spending on SEO, PPC, and SMM.
  • Still doing SEO in-house? Marketers using an agency are twice as likely to be highly satisfied with their campaign performance.

What we found surprising in the study are the statistics below:


As an outsourced sales and marketing company  we typically implement campaigns designed to generate leads through integrated email,  SEO, PPC and cold calling campaigns.  We then continue to nurture leads not ready to buy with a marketing automation platform like Pardot.    An ancillary benefit of this approach is the transparency and ability to track leads directly through the pipe, for example specifically what tactics (like SEO) are doing for your revenue.  Below is best practice for B2B lead generation  in the form of two reports we typically leverage for both PPC and SEO on a monthly/weekly/daily basis so we can give your marketing efforts a sales quota tracking directly to the opportunity and then revenue level.

marketing automation keyword report


Hopefully a couple of pictures do paint a thousand words here.   As we close 2012 and move to 2013 you need to ask yourself three questions around your b2b lead generation efforts.

  • How do I improve what I don’t measure?
  • If I do measure will it improve my performance?
  • How much more revenue will I generate once I focus my marketing dollars on what’s producing?

Gabriel Sales provides b2b lead generation services and builds demand generation engines that integrate both sales reps, b2b lead gen, sales engagement and inbound marketing efforts.  To see how we can help accelerate your production in this last quarter of 2012 so you hit the ground running in 2013 please feel free to contact us for a free benchmark review.

For additional info on marketing automation implementations, tips to improve the performance of your telesales team, your b2b lead generation  or how to accelerate your content marketing efforts please feel free to check out the links below.

What is a Marketing Automation Platform? –  5 Minute Overview from Pardot

Selling Smarter and Selling Faster White Paper



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