Pitch Strategy that Drives Results with the Buyer

The Right Integrated Pitch and Content Strategy – Ensures the Technical Buyer Does Not Say “No” so the Business Buyer will Say “Yes”

What we are sharing below is an abbreviated outline to give you a flavor of how to approach your sales content to:

  • Ensures you keep the dealing moving forward  faster
  • Save you money by creating collateral that can be used across the sale
  • Accelerate the speed to get the meeting with the Decision Maker

If you are interested in the full presentation let us know.

In Selling to the C-Suite the authors advocate that you need to pitch to C-Level Executives on your ability to be a “Trusted Advisor”.  To summarize, from the execs position, the trusted advisor needs to demonstrate the following qualities:

1.       Ability to Marshal Resource

2.       Understand my Business Goals

3.       Responsive to my requests

4.       Willing to be Held Accountable

5.       Knowledge of company’s products

6.       Ability to solve problems

7.       Works well with my staff

Trusted advisors end up in the Client Value Zone (below).   You win business as a trusted advisor and most importantly it’s the right kind of business – long term and reoccurring.  In fact we tested the list from this book against one of our clients closed deals and 8 out of the 10 of the deals we won were almost verbatim hitting points 1, 2, 4, 6 and 7.

So all that stated we obviously all want to be in in the Client Value Zone.  We hear the battle cries with every new client we launch.  “Let’s put together a pitch that gets us meetings with the top executives out of the gate.”  “Let’s go big or go home! “  That’s a great strategy but its no longer totally grounded in reality .   You need to sell to the technical buyer.  You don’t get to the business buyer consistently unless you are skilled at converting your technical buyer into a champion and advocate.

At Gabriel Sales we generally advocate that you focus on the technical buyer first especially when it comes to content strategy because you can leverage the majority of the content you provide the business buyer in shorter forms with the business.  This may sound counter intuitive and going after the technical buyer first is not quite as sexy, but it works,  so indulge me for a couple of more lines.

Combining the two data points above -here are your traffic signals for selling to the technical buyer and why that content can be repurposed for the business buyer:

  • Green Light – Definitely prove you are reliable, trustworthy and consistent to the technical buyer.

o   Content and Sales Focus –  A couple testimonials and  keeping your promises while executing a methodical sales process will prove you have Integrity to the technical buyer and will also cover of on the business buyers need to believe you are willing to be accountable (criteria #4)

  • Green Light  –  Prove you are a solid extra set of hands

o   Content Focus- this is done with Success Stories and Case Studies.  This will show the technical buyer you have the capability and will also demonstrate to the business buyer  you have the ability to solve problems (criteria #6)  and understand business goals  (criteria #2)

  • Green Light  –  Prove you are an expert

o   Content Focus – Do this with educational webcasts, digital demos and solid ROI examples.   This will prove your expertise to the technical buyer and will also prove to the business buyer your sales and marketing team know their own products cold (criteria #5)

  • Red Light – Never claim to the technical buyer you are an expert in their companies business or overtly tell technical buyers you will be a trusted advisor and have a collaborative relationship.

o   Content Focus  – Wait until you have a meeting with the Executive Buyer and have video testimonials that are gated where your own customers make this claim for you.  There is one exception here –  if there are specific areas where you need or can make and support the claim that you are an expert in a discrete area of their business (ideally around a sales objection) have a customer go on record to support that claim.  Ideally with a digital testimonial so you can control it.  These testimonials if done correctly will cover off on criteria #1 (your ability to marshal resources) .

Why is this guarded pitch and content strategy more important than ever?  2 reasons –

If you blow through the Red Light and THE TECHNICAL BUYER WANT TO BE A TRUSTED ADVISOR TO THEIR EXECUTIVE TEAM OR BOSS you will never get that meeting — because in these economic times of 8% plus unemployment – “Trusted Expert Advisor” could mean the technical buyers job (if they are not super confident) or  “Trusted Advisor”  could mean “I don’t get a promotion” to the technical buyer.    In either case you don’t know what you don’t know (especially early in the sales process)  so it’s better to err on the cautious side.  Don’t give the technical buyer a reason to say no and you get your shot at the business buyer to say yes.

Finally if your pitch and content are properly aligned and you do your job with the technical buyer and you get that intro you will cover off on the business buyers  criteria #7 “Works well with my staff.”   Executed correctly that makes you seven for seven in business buyers “Yes” criteria before you even get to the Decision Maker – which at the end of the day is the technical buyers job as the gatekeeper.    Show the technical buyer respect and consideration and you are going to win more than you lose.

If you would like Gabriel Sales to help you create a content strategy to drive results for the technical or business buyer, please contact us.

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