Outsourcing Sales Helps Your Closers Specialize

by | May 1, 2017 | B2B Lead Generation, B2B Marketing, Outsourced Marketing, Outsourcing Sales, Uncategorized

The top goal of modern sales and marketing operations for small business needs to be:  build a repeatable sales process that can generate a steady stream of sales opportunities.

One of the critical tenants of modern sales and marketing operations needs to be specialization.   For most small businesses, this means that closing and developing opportunities now need to be different functions. Outsourcing sales help your senior sales specialize on closing business by keeping their sales funnel full.

First lets discuss why your senior sales reps should not be focused on prospecting.  Then we will discuss how sales outsourcing and marketing can help them to become more productive.

Why Senior Sales Reps Should Not Prospect

They are not effective – Experience sales reps hate to prospect.  They love to close.  They are also your most expensive resource.  Does it make sense for them to cold call?

Sporadic focus – Prospecting is like the grind of training for any sport. There are tasks you need to do on a regular basis like running, stretching and strength training. If you don’t do them on a regular basis results will suffer.  If a closer is working on getting a deal done the first thing to get tossed aside is prospecting. They end up with a great quarter and then have no new deals to work on. Closers need to focus on closing not training.

Unclear metrics –  Sales reps are compensated by closing business. Not hitting top of funnel metrics. It is difficult to get sustained performance for something as minimal as daily new lead flow from a seasoned sales rep.

Closing is an Art –  Closing is expensive because it’s an art.  And like any art it takes creativity, attention to detail and complete focus. It takes a great deal of energy. It does both the rep and your business a disservice to deplete this energy.

Outsourcing Sales to Build a Steady Flow of Leads

Conversely here is why you should consider outsourcing sales to build a steady stream of sales qualified opportunities.

Not just calling anymore –  The days of throwing bodies on the phone to call are over.  Prospecting still requires calling but it also requires creating content and sharing that content with prospective buyers via email.   Outsourcing sales will help you gain immediate access to the skills you need for effective prospecting.

Regular tasks on a regular basis –  To be repeatable means you have to repeat tasks like emailing, cold calling, follow up calling and creating content on a regular basis.  A sales outsourcing company will take over the daily grind required for success.

Tools and team for success –  A sales outsourcing company will have the technologies’ and team required for success.   This includes marketers, callers and sales automation technology experts.

Prospecting is a Science –  Effective sales prospecting requires building a repeatable process.  More importantly it requires constant measure and analysis to improve campaigns and results.

About Gabriel Sales Sales Outsourcing

Gabriel Sales helps companies build modern sales and marketing operations to help closers specialize in closing while we fill the top of the funnel utilizing a team of experts in driving leads with integrated sales and marketing campaigns.   To learn more about how our team can help you, visit our page on modern sales and marketing operations and sales outsourcing.



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