Outsource Sales and Marketing to Help Build a High Performing Team

If you are a small business or a start-up building a sales and marketing team can be a daunting task.  This is especially true if you do not have an executive on your team that has the experience or proven track record.  Most executives are already swamped with addressing other critical areas of their business so if you do not have this sales and marketing experience and background it may make sense to consider an outsource sales and marketing team.

Here is a short list of 3 things you can expect from an outsource sales and marketing team to help you build a high performing sales effort.

Your outsource sales and marketing team will hire the right people

An outsource sales and marketing team will hire individuals with the right attitude, right personality for their assigned task and the right work ethic. An outsource sales and marketing company will understand how to recruit the right talent for the right job.  This gets rid of a great deal of your time and investment building a team on your own.

Your outsource sales and marketing team will close competency gaps quickly

An outsource sales and marketing company will already have the sales and marketing support functions in house to cover any gaps you have in your internal team.  This includes:

  • Sales and marketing strategists
  • Content production specialists
  • Database managers
  • Database marketers
  • CRM and marketing automation technologists
  • Marketing coordinators
  • Cold calling and buyer education reps for prospecting
  • Business development reps for qualifying and developing buyers

You will be able to access a blended team that you would not be able to quickly build on your own even if you have the budget.

Your outsource sales and marketing team will measure what matters

Beyond closed deals many small businesses and startups often will not have enough data to benchmark what matters to take a lead through the sales funnel to closed revenue.  Obviously closed deals is the most critical measurement but to scale a sales effort you need to have a disciplined approach to lead generation, lead development and lead qualifying on a daily basis. We’ve all heard that what gets measured gets done.  An outsource sales and marketing company will know how to use CRM and marketing automation technologies to hold your entire outsource sales and marketing team accountable for hitting these targets and accomplishing these tasks on a daily, weekly and monthly basis.

When all three of these qualities are aligned, your outsource sales and marketing team will help you build a high-performing sales effort.  The end result is that an outsource sales and marketing team will help you build a sales culture of continuous improvement. They will recruit and retain the right people, create metrics that are meaningful at the individual, team, and organizational level. And they will help you measure and pursue what matter most.

To learn more about Gabriel Sales outsource sales and marketing services we invite you to check out our outsource sales and marketing services page.

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