Mobile App Software Demand Generation Case Study

by | Apr 13, 2023 | Case Studies, Insights

DDC™ Targets Ideal Buyers for Mobile App Software to Help Fuel 300% Growth in 2 Years with No Outside Investors


In this mobile app software demand generation case study you will learn how privately held software company implemented Digital Demand Center to target 6,000 companies and 18,000 decision makers to develop predictable sales funnel to support two senior closers. 

Company Background

KipTraq is a mobile data collection platform that helps businesses collect data on their mobile devices and report on that data via the cloud. KipTraq is flexible enough to give users full control on what data their employees capture, and their best-in-class reporting/BI tools help create meaningful insight based on that data. Any information usually captured with pen and paper or Excel can be done faster and with more accountability by using KipTraq.

KipTraq makes it easy for end users to capture data anywhere using mobile phones and tablets. The company focuses primarily on serving mid-sized and enterprise Food Growers and Food Manufacturers and is currently testing solutions in other industries requiring in-the-field audits and safety inspections.


KipTraq is a privately held company with a software solution engineered and initially coded by its sole founder, Bryan Banks. Bryan launched the company with one core customer representing the majority of KipTraq’s revenue.  KipTraq then hired two outside Sales Reps to leverage their existing relationships for additional sales. 

Initially these reps were successful. Eventually they exhausted their existing networks and sales production slowed.

The company had no CRM, a single page website, no content and was not running any campaigns. They had access to a database of 6,000 ideal targets in both food manufacturing and food production in specific geographies across the United States.

Already Accomplished:

  • Foundational Customer
  • Focused Target Market
  • Outside Sales Reps


Bryan wanted to continue to grow the company organically without taking outside investment. To do this, Bryan needed to affordably and systematically develop a sales funnel to support his sales team. Additionally, the outside sales contractors provided limited visibility into their sales pipeline.

Bryan is a thought leader, technologist and inventor with no sales and marketing operations expertise. Bryan was bandwidth constrained as he was managing the development team, the client servicing team and product enhancements. He needed to scale these to service new business while supporting the sales team.

The Solution

KipTraq hired Gabriel Sales to launch Digital Demand Center™.

First Gabriel Sales (GS) began crafting a strategy to introduce a core audience of food growers and manufacturers to the value of KipTraq. GS conducted a deep dive into KipTraq’s differentiators and mapped these to the needs of the target Buyer Personas. Next, Gabriel Sales delivered a go-to-market strategy that included messaging, a content plan and an awareness campaign strategy, a PPC plan, lead nurturing campaign strategy and sales automation campaign strategy. 

This was followed by a three-day onsite content production workshop to create the necessary content to launch the engine including, videos, articles, case studies, use cases and online video demos. Gabriel Sales then managed a complete overhaul of the website and brand, expanding it from one page to dozens for more substantial buyer education.

Next, Gabriel Sales implemented a full Digital Demand Center™ technology stack for measured, systematic and scalable execution. This marketing tech stack was then integrated with three new Salesforce seats to accurately measure the progress of leads through the sales funnel.

Finally, both Digital Demand Center™ and Pay Per Click campaigns were  launched. The initial four months were focused on establishing KipTraq as a brand. Then DDC™ moved into steady state with ongoing lead nurturing and sales automation campaigns. 

With the foundation established for a scalable demand generation, KipTraq was able to score leads for follow up, conversion and closing by the existing sales team. In addition, DDC was also able to provide KipTraq with data and insights to optimize messaging and ad budgets in order to maximize their investment. Combined, all these efforts produced a predictable and sustainable sales funnel. 

The Results

With DDC managing both outbound and inbound lead generation programs, KipTraq’s sales reps became more productive. Over the first three years KipTraq was able to:

  • Establish KipTraq as leading brand in the vertical
  • Close over 30 new deals
  • Scale their avg. deal size
  • Reduce KipTraq’s risk and dissipate the company’s revenue dependence on their largest customer
  • Grow revenue by over 410%


Additional Strategic Benefits

Bryan was able to focus on scaling operations. He was able to hire, train and staff a lead engineer, customer service team and a client service team. He was also able to develop and launch several turnkey solutions into the market.

With the ability to target specific markets, DDC is being leveraged build brand awareness and nurture leads in several new verticals.

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About KipTraq

KipTraq is a mobile data collection platform that helps businesses collect data on their mobile devices and report on that data via the cloud. KipTraq is flexible enough to give users full control on what data their employees capture, and their best-in-class reporting/BI tools help create meaningful insight based on that data. Any information usually captured with pen and paper or Excel can be done faster and with more accountability by using KipTraq.

KipTraq makes it easy for end users to capture data anywhere using mobile phones and tablets. The company focuses primarily on serving mid-sized and enterprise Food Growers and Food Manufacturers and is currently testing solutions in other industries requiring in-the-field audits and safety inspections.

Ebook: The Digital-First Sales Transformation

Learn Why and How to Increase Your Sales Funnel by 451%.

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Free Download: Step-by-Step Marketing Automation Implementation Checklist

Get it right the first time! Maximize your initial Salesforce and Account Engagement
implementation with this step by guide to organize and streamline you initial build.
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Learn how to sell more effectively to the Modern B2B buyer in this FREE and comprehensive four-part educational seminar.

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Schedule Time with a Demand Gen, Lead Nurturing, Automation and Sales Engine Specialist to discover if Gabriel Sales and/or DDC™ can transform your operations to provide your sales team with a sustained flow of well-educated buyers.

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