iPhones are Skewing Open Rates

In the last six, months,  we have seen a big jump in iPhone and iPad opens in our email blasting efforts. After following up by phone, we have noticed that many of my “opens” did not even see the email.  We’ve since learned that iPhones open emails differently than other email applications.

For Mailchimp,  per their site, they “use a tiny, one pixel graphic (or web beacon) that gets downloaded when a subscriber turns on images to track which emails have been opened and which haven’t. When someone uses their iPhone to open your email, it automatically opens images, downloading the tracking graphic. Most email applications turn images off by default and force users to click a button to display them, resulting in lower open rates.  This can result in an inflated percentage of iPhone users showing up in your User Agents stats. We’ll see every user who uses their iPhone to open your email, but we only catch the subscribers that turn on images in other email applications.”

This completely aligns with what we have seen by follow-up calling. So take it easy on your reps if they are not converting the “opens.” I would not stop calling on them, as the probability that that “opens” actually opened is greater than those that do not show open, and typically we have found that those folks are still with the company.   So, this is definitely better than straight cold calling.

Question:  What is the ultimate solution?

Answer:  Aligned Sales and Marketing Efforts

In a nutshell you cannot give up on any one tactic.  You simply need to be more diligent.  We do recommend making sure your videos and emails are designed for mobile and as another quick tip you can monitor Google Analytics and the time emails are opened with your email blaster to judge if mobiles are actually opened or not.

If you are interested in seeing if your efforts pay off, Gabriel Sales, outsourced sales company for B to B sales and marketing automation implementation specialists,  we recommend indulging in a marketing automation tool.  Pardot is our platform of choice.  For more information on marketing automation see our blog on Marketing Automation for B2B Sales and Sales Small Business.

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