How an Outsourcing Sales and Marketing Team Build Buyer Trust

Developing trust with your buyer early in the buying and selling process is one of the top reasons to consider outsourcing sales and marketing. Outsourcing sales and marketing to build this rapport and trust with potential buyers early in the sales cycle can save you both time and money because building this trust can create a significant time drain on your senior resources. In addition, this can quickly increase your cost of sales percentage if your most senior resources are dedicating too much time to this task.

Here are 5 Ways Outsourcing Sales and Marketing Can Help you Build Trust with your Buyers:

  1. Follow up with inbound lead immediately – Senior sales resources and executives are busy, in meetings, running operations, managing accounts and leading the company. Outsourcing sales will ensure you are focused on potential needs when the buyer expresses them with an inbound request. Outsourcing sales will help you get to the buyer faster. And as multiple studies continue to explain, the first person back to the buyer has a 50% advantage closing that deal over competitors.
  2. Producing thought leadership content – Most outsourcing sales and marketing companies will have frameworks to help you create thought leadership content in the form of webcasts, videos, blog posts and checklists. This digital content can act as a surrogate for your senior talent early in the sales process. Your “digital thought leader” can demonstrate and share their expertise early in the sales conversation and build trust without needing to engage in early stage sales conversations.
  3. Distribute that thought leadership content – Outsourcing sales and marketing companies will have the technology, the capability and capacity to share that thought leadership with potential buyers. An outsourcing sales and marketing company will be able to do warm, friendly, and helpful calls to buyers where they will share your thought leadership.
  4. Implement a marketing automation solution to score leads – A sales outsourcing and marketing company will have the necessary technologies in place to automate email marketing to a list of potential buyers. They will also have the ability to track those buyers, score their interests, will follow up to be even more helpful, and ask intelligent probing questions. And if it makes sense, they will introduce your senior sales team if the buyer is interested.
  5. They will recap and share what they have learned from the buyer with your senior rep – Your outsourcing sales rep and marketing team will be able to communicate what content your buyer has digested digitally and will also share what they have learned about the buyers needs so your senior sales resource can quickly recap and confirm the buyers needs and understanding. This saves both your buyer and the seller time and builds trust in your entire team’s professionalism

In conclusion, creating this initial positive impression early and building trust is a requirement for almost any sale, and this is one area where outsourcing sales and marketing can help you build this trust and generate more sales qualified leads at a lower cost.

Gabriel Sales helps businesses build modern sales and marketing operations and then supports those operations with a variety of sales outsourcing and marketing services.  To learn more about our approach we invite you to check out our outsourcing sales and marketing services page.

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