Healthcare Outsourced Sales Trade Show Marketing Case Study

Outsourced Sales & Trade Show Marketing Support

The Challenge

Technology firm selling a clinical desktop solution had recently hired 2 new sales executives and wanted to leverage the annual HIMSS conference with a 20X40 booth to quickly ramp their new hires pipe and introduce a new solution to the market. Needed to build awareness across the industry and generate an active pipeline exiting the show.

Selling: Technology with Professional Services

Selling To: Hospital Clinicians, Finance, IT and Operations

Average Deal Size and Sales Cycle: Average pilot deal size is $50K $100K. With solutions scaling to six figures annually. Pilot takes 180 days to 1.5 years close.

The Solution

Developed a comprehensive outsourced sales and marketing campaign to build awareness to a broad audience prior to the trade show and generate booth traffic during the show with the intent to engage, develop and prioritize leads to call and set appointments post show.

Gabriel Sales Executed a Turnkey Campaign by:

Producing and currating Digital Content and Implementing a Lead Scoring Automation System


  1. List acquisition
  2. Show specific content development
  3. Awareness email campaign
  4. Appointment setting – 1000 calls


  1. Awareness email Campaign
  2. Reminder


  1. Database management
  2. Follow-up email Campaign
  3. Sales Ready Lead identification prioritizing scored leads
  4. Demo/appointment setting – 1000 calls

The Results

In-show Meetings Scheduled

Product Demos Scheduled

Leads for Database

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