Turnkey Demand Generation and Lead Nurturing

Are you a B2B company that wants to outsource fully-managed Demand Gen and Lead Nurturing start to finish? We make a full-funnel process affordable

Turnkey Demand Gen and Lead Nurturing Video

Digital Demand Center™ – How it Works

Watch this demand gen and lead nurturing video to learn how to generate more sales ready leads. Digital Demand Center™ (DDC™) is a turnkey lead generation, lead nurturing video and demand generation solution designed to fill your sales funnel with well educated, sales-ready leads excited to talk to sales. DDC™was engineered for small and mid-sized B2B sales organizations to provide the proven best practices, technology, tactics and talent you need to sell more effectively to the B2B buyer.  The tech stack and managed services are delivered for one affordable and all inclusive monthly fee to help you sell smarter, grow faster and lower your cost of your sales by as much as 50%.

(Watch Time – 5:00 Minutes)

Frequently Asked Questions

What does it cost?

The first year, including all start up fees, is about the cost of one full time Sales Rep. The second year that cost decreases by about 40% to 50%.

What kind of ROI/Results can I expect?

We forecast results as part of our proposal process. You can also learn more about what you can expect by watching this short 4 minute video “Lead Nurturing and Sales Funnel Results” or our full 20 minute On Demand Webcast “The Investment Required for B2B Demand Generation Success and the ROI You Can Expect”. 

Who owns the technology systems?

Once implemented the technology stack is owned by the client. One of the advantages of Digital Demand Center™ is that we offer the marketing automation license through a discounted subscription that can be transitioned after implementation is complete. This means we build the technology stack as an asset that our clients own and control.  We manage these systems and campaigns as long as you retain us for managed services. We take a “we build and you own” approach.  This business model is a difference between DDC™ and many other “lead generation” and “digital marketing” agencies – it’s an important question to ask.  

Who own the leads and databases?

DDC™ takes a “we build and you own” approach. Our clients own the databases, leads and reporting. All of this critical data is available in the technology systems you will own and ultimately control. This business model is a difference between DDC™ and many other “lead generation” and “digital marketing” agencies – it’s an important question to ask.

How long is my commitment?

The initial commitment is 6 months. Afterwards, we move to a month-to-month agreement.

What if already have content?

Fantastic! This will lower your start up investment, and you will have a have a significant head start. We can also run a content production workshop to cover any gaps.

What if I don’t have content?

We have a team ready to help you tell powerful stories with professional video and content production.

What if I am already running lead gen campaigns?

Great! If this is working for you maximize your spend here first. We can add nurturing and sales automation campaigns for increased growth.

What if I already have a marketer and/or marketing team?

Your team can keep managing your lead gen campaigns. However, our demand gen and pre-sales solutions are tested, proven and highly prescriptive so we will need autonomy for this part of the campaign.

What if already have tech?

Over the last 10 years we have worked with about every major CRM, Social Channel and Automation Technology. Our experienced team can work with almost any software you may currently have in place and integrate our tech where you may have gaps.

What if I don’t have a sales rep?

In some cases we can offer additional pre-sales calling services to support our campaigns.

What tactics do you use?

Our solution uses both inbound and outbound earned and paid marketing tactics. We do this in multiple channels, including email, social, online advertising and re-marketing.

Learn More

Contact us to Request a Proposal or to decide if Digital Demand Center™ is the right fit to support your sales process