An Outsourced Sales and Marketing Team Can Improve Your Sales

by | Jan 6, 2017 | Outsourced Marketing, Outsourced Sales and Marketing, Outsourcing Sales

Today’s buyer is overwhelmed.  The buyer is being pitched nonstop by countless vendors selling countless products and solutions. And buyers have less time than they did to make a decision than even three years ago.

So in many cases buyers don’t even have the time to figure out what products they need.  So calling a buyer and pitching your features and benefits or making the claim that you have an “award winning” or “number one rated” product or service is a waste of your time and your buyers time.

In the face of the ever-changing B2B technology and services landscape, many sellers overwhelm customers with useless information about products that buyers don’t even know they want or need.  This is especially true when you are pitching a busy executive or manager.

So here are five ways an outsourced sales and marketing company can help you stand out from your competition:

An outsourced sales and marketing company can help you do your research:

An outsourced sales and marketing company can work with you to understand your Ideal Customer Profile.  They can then help you acquire the databases, phone numbers and email addresses of these buyers and load your CRM with buyers to target that have the need for your product or solution so you are focused on selling to the right buyer.

An outsourced sales and marketing company can help you create compelling content that addresses the buyers needs

An outsourced sales and marketing company will have a team of content production experts that can help you create blog articles, videos and webcasts that provide valuable education for buyers about the problems you solve for customer and how you solve them for the customer.

An outsourced sale and marketing company can help you share that content.

An outsourced sales and marketing company can supply the team and the inbound and outbound marketing efforts to share your educational message with companies in a non-threatening and educational way.  This approach builds trust with the buyer without requiring the time of your closers who should be focusing on closing and not educating early stage buyers.

An outsourced sales and marketing company can help you automate your marketing

Technology now makes it possible to share content with buyers through email marketing, your website and across social media.  An outsourced sales and marketing company will have the technologists and the marketing automation best practices and expertise to help you build trust with buyers not ready to buy digitally.  And these tools will allow you to track a buyer’s digital footprint so when they are ready to buy your closers will be notified so they will never miss a deal.

As technologies evolve and the noise continues to grow you need to shift your sales and marketing efforts to making it easy to build trust and drive value for your buyers digitally before you “sell”.  An outsourced sales and marketing team can make this shift to modern sales and marketing operation fast, easy and effective.

Instead of being the irritant that bugs the buyer with information about why they are so fantastic you can shift your organization to one that help the buyer and builds trust first with effective outsourced resources and automated tools.

To learn more about how an outsourced sales and marketing team can help you stand out from your competition and build modern sales and marketing operations we invite you to check out our About Us page.



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