7 Basics Steps for Creating an Effective Landing Page – Outsourced B2B Demand Generation Tips

In a previous blog, we discussed the importance of landing pages in B2B Demand Generation.  Having a flashy layout or cool graphics can help grab your visitor’s attention, but what we have seen in the data as a top B2B demand Generation Company is that what the page actually says in much more important.  This blog outlines the basics of how to make the most of your B2B Demand Generation landing pages, by detailing specific content related issues.  If this content is a little too basic for your needs we invite you to check out our B2B Demand Generation Blog Topic area or our B2B Demand Generation Knowledge Center.

Here are seven B2B Demand Generation tips for creating effective and persuasive landing pages.

  1. Align content with keywords.  The reason for having landing pages, is that they are content-based.  This means that when a visitor clicks a link to “lead generation”, they should land on a lead generation landing page, not a home page.  Sending your visitors on a wild goose chase to find the information they are looking for is likely to fail, so make it as easy as you can for them.
  2. Have multiple landing pages for each of your products, services or campaigns.  Directing people to their specific interests makes it easier for them and gives you credibility.  You can use Pardot to create landing pages specific to each campaign, which has an easy-to-use drag and drop tool designed to generate multiple pages with no coding required.
  3. Know who you are talking to.  In addition to pages categorized by campaign, you should create audience-specific landing pages as well.  Different content appeals to different people, what appeals to IT personnel may not appeal to the marketing team.  If you take this into consideration and build your landing pages accordingly, your visitor will be much more likely to convert, as you are already speaking their language.
  4. Decide what you want.  You have to figure you what you want your visitors to do once they come to your landing page.  Are you satisfied with people reading certain content, or do you want email addresses as well?  You can get both by offering content as collateral for contact information.
  5. Make sure you have a clear goal.  Try not to overwhelm or confuse your visitor with many different options on the same landing page. Pick one specific action as the goal of each landing page, and make it obvious.   The goals should always be B2B Demand Generation of Sales Qualified Leads.
  6. Simplicity and transparency are key.  Be clear and concise with your language; using simple “if/then” statements work well.  For example, say something like, “If you fill out this form, then we will send you a white paper about a specific topic.”
  7. Remember to use the right keywords (the keyword for this page is B2B Demand Generation) to get a slight SEO lift for your overall website.

For more information on building effective landing pages, please visit our blog titled “The Importance of Landing Pages” or contact Gabriel Sales directly.

If you’d like look at B2B demand generation in a little more depth we invite you to check out our CLICK HERE for our Knowledge Center dedicated to B2B demand generation.  For a quick overview of how Gabriel Sales creates and integrated inbound and outbound machine CLICK HERE to view our How To Build a B2B demand generation engine.  To schedule an appointment for a free pipeline velocity review from Gabriel Sales, please click here.

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