B to B Demand Generation’s New Rules of Engagement

The rules of sales engagement have changed and so has b to b demand generation for three reasons:

1.      Over the past 18 months a wave of technology has hit the market that allows an in house marketing team or outsourced demand generation and marketing operations team take deals deeper and further through your sales funnel than ever before. Your buyers digest, on average, 10.7 pieces of collateral prior to buying.

2.      Marketing Automation Platforms allow you to nurture your customers not yet ready to buy with increased volume and increased efficiency.  The ability to track the consumption of that content saves your top producers and senior talent tons of time working with your customers to transact.

3.      A sales driven marketing team can create content that helps engage the customer, close business and generate leads simultaneously.

Your sales content is now an extension of your sales team.  The right approach to integrating inbound efforts and your sales teams outbound efforts anchored in a smart sales content strategy can meet your customer in their buying cycle with the right team, delivering the right message at the right time.  This allow you to:

  • close those “ready to buy” faster and cheaper
  • not lose customer “not ready to buy” or without budget and close them when they are ready

One of the tricks in making this all work is the right b to b sales content strategy.  It needs to be great and it needs to be driven by your sales team and supported by marketers.

Great b to b sales content is focused on moving deals forward to close.  Sales content requires that you:  listen to your customers, listen to your sales reps, listen to your product specialists, create content for specific stages in the customer buying cycle and then re-purpose and  repackage around a specific segments’ needs.  Your sales content needs to be:

  • Designed to move Marketing Qualified Leads to Sales Qualified Leads and Sales Qualified Leads to Closed Business
  • Designed to be used by Inside Sales Reps and Senior Sales Reps in the Close
  • Designed to be “Authentic” dialogue…no CLIOs here
  • Not designed for Mass Market
  • Leveraged by Inside Reps to decrease the time Executives and Product Specialists spend in educational meetings to move deals forward
  • Able to train and support a sales “champion” to internally sell complex solutions or technologies within their organization.
  • Once created, re-purposed across multiple platforms.

This content can also be leveraged aggressively for long tail Pay per Click campaigns and long tail Search Engine Marketing.  Once proven, creative agencies can polish and take to mass market.

You need to never forget that the customer needs to remain front and center. Each piece needs to be designed for a specific stage in the customer’s buying cycle.  Below is our framework for creating sales content that gets the customer and the sales team what they need to transact.


For a full overview of why we feel it makes strategic and executional sense  to have your sales team involved in your sales content marketing strategy and a road map for fluid communication we invite you to read the following blogs:

Top B2B Demand Generation Requires Sales Content Marketing

Top B to B Demand Generation Requires Sales and Marketing Alignment

5 Steps to Launch or Turn Around a B to B Demand Gen Team

If you have any questions or feel like a conversation makes sense to learn how Gabriel Sales can help you pull together a more effective b to b demand generation program whether you are  mid cycle or building a new effort feel free to CONTACT US.

Ebook: The Digital-First Sales Transformation

Learn Why and How to Increase Your Sales Funnel by 451%.
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