2014 B2B Sales and Marketing Trends

2014 sales and marketing trendsAs a B2B sales and marketing outsourcing company, we are always paying attention to the current state of the industry and where things are going. In terms of both overall trends and specific tactics, we like to believe we have our finger on the pulse of what’s hot in B2B sales and marketing.

Derived from our own research as well as what is currently working for our clients, here are a few blog articles discussing the 2014 B2B sales and marketing trends and tips you need to know to thrive next year:

The Shift to Bought then, Sold

If your team is accountable for growth, your challenges remain the same: set strategy, generate qualified leads, develop and close—with constant pressure to control your cost of sale. But in today’s digital landscape, your buyers are becoming more self-directed. They want to buy on their own time and expect to be educated digitally.

Click here to continue reading, “The Shift to Bought then, Sold”.

Buyer Personas

As the buying process changed with the introduction of web-based technologies, buyers changed too.  Buyers adapted new traits and behaviors conducive to the new digital space they occupy. By understanding these new traits or characteristics and incorporating these insights into your sales strategies, you can make better connections, earn more trust and ultimately, close more deals.

Click here to continue reading, “Buyer Personas: The 6 Types of B2B Buyers on the Internet”.

The Future of SEO

SEO as a topic is hotter than ever with Google’s updated overhaul of its search algorithm (see Google’s Hummingbird for more details) as well as Google’s announcement of encrypting all natural search data (search the dreaded “not provided”). So, as a marketing firm that uses B2B SEO to help businesses attract leads, what are we recommending now that these changes are in place?

Click here to continue reading, “What’s Working Now in B2B SEO”.

To learn more about the recent changes in the world of B2B and how to adapt, you can download our white paper called, New Rules for Buying & Selling. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

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