Getting the First Sales Appointment on the First Call

getting the first sales appointmentIf you’re in B2B sales, you know that cold calling is nowhere near as effective as it used to be. Call to connect ratios have dropped from 18-22% to 7-11% since 2010, which means the cost of using this tactic for lead generation and qualification has doubled.

In order to help improve your conversion ratios and lower your cost of sale with telemarketing, we suggest you do what most salesmen are too timid to try: ask for an appointment on the first call.

As a B2B sales outsourcing company with over 13 years of experience in cold calling, we have found tremendous success with this tactic and believe when used with delicacy, it can be highly effective for lead gen and qualification.

We believe one of the reasons this strategy works is that asking for what you want dramatically improves your chances of getting it. Research shows that 75% of sales calls end without the sales person asking for some kind of commitment.  This is understandable, as everyone hates a pushy salesman. However, if done with tact, asking for a quick meeting does not have to be tense or carry pressure.

Here are a few quick tips for getting the first sales appointment on the first sales call:

  • Let your prospects get all of their objections out first. Don’t interrupt; make them feel like they have been listened to and their needs have been clearly understood.
  • Ask a series of light, qualifying questions first to get a couple of “yes’s” prior to asking for the meeting (i.e. Is this your email? Is this number the best number to reach you at? Is it all right if I send you some more educational information?).
  • Ask for the appointment in the same tone and cadence as your light, qualifying questions. If the question sounds more like an afterthought or ancillary, it will carry less weight, and your prospect will feel less pressured.
  • Be prepared to offer a specific time right away, rather than leaving it entirely open. Say something like, “We are open late next week; how about Thursday or Friday afternoon?”
  • Don’t be discouraged if it doesn’t work the first time. We have seen this tactic work best when the question sounds natural and second nature, so with practice, your success should improve.

The most important thing to remember about using this strategy is your tone of voice or speaking style. Aim for nonchalant—rather than excited (which can come off as desperate)—when asking for the meeting. Getting the first sales appointment on the first call takes a lot of finesse, but with practice, it can be a highly effective strategy for lead generation and qualification.

For more tips on getting the first sales appointment, click here. If you would like more information on how B2B sales and marketing have changed in recent years, you can download our white paper called, “The New Rules of Buying and Selling in 2013”. Please feel free to contact us with any questions.