When You Outsource Sales You Increase Visibility

by | Nov 21, 2016 | B2B Technology Sales, Outsourcing Sales, Uncategorized

Many small businesses are built on the backs and carried by their founders.  They build the business through their professional relationships, hard work and skill as sales professionals and strong account management and customer service skills.

We also find that many successful early stage businesses are successful because the entrepreneur that founded that business touches every area of the business.  We have found that when a founder starts to consider what happens when they outsource sales they are drawn by the speed to market and the infrastructure cost savings but they have some trepidation about loss of control.  This article will address several areas where control of the sales process is actually enhanced when you outsource.

When You Outsource Sales You Can More Control of the Sales Process
Concern “When I outsource sales, I may lose control of my sales process.”

When a company has closed are there initial deals it is sometimes unsettling to hand the keys to an outsource sales partner. This will not occur especially if your outsource sales and marketing partner is committed to helping you build modern sales and marketing operations.  Most successful outsource sales and marketing in 2017 are committed to helping their customers build a repeatable sales process.  At Gabriel Sales we actually help our clients document each stage of their buyer process and their sales process. And in 90% of the cases we find that when our clients outsource sales and we document this process they actually have more control of the process itself.  .

When You Outsource Sales You Can Gain Visibility
Concern- “When I outsource sales I will lose visibility.”

10 years ago this may have been the case.  But with the advent of CRMs and Automation Technologies the opposite is now true.  When you outsource sales and marketing you can expect your outsource sales partner to provide these technologies as part of their package and you will probably experience even greater visibility.  You will know exactly:

  • How many calls are being made
  • How many buyers are entering the sales funnel
  • How many buyers are converting through cold calling, email marketing and content marketing
  • What content is helping them to convert
  • And what tactics and markets are working and what tactics and targets are now working

Technologies and the ability to measure customer engagement at every stage of the sales process has been put on steroids over the past several years and you can expect your outsource sales and marketing partner to be help to help with the implementation of these costs saving and intelligence enhancing technologies.

When You Outsource Sales You Are Fully Represented
Concern “Hiring an outsourcing company builds the sales outsourcer’s brand, not mine.”

This is probably the number one unspoken concern founders have.  And it is completely valid.  And an outsource sales and marketing company that helps our clients build modern sales and marketing operations this is the fundamental difference between we see between hiring an outsource sales and marketing company vs.  hiring a rep company or a commission only solution.

When you hire a rep company their goal is to own that customer and sell them as many solutions as possible. Their goal is to brand their organization as a one stop shop for multiple solutions.

When you hire and an outsource sales and marketing company their goal is to build your brand and your sales operation and not theirs.  When you outsource to Gabriel Sales your sales reps use your systems, your email addresses and act as your employees during all business calls and interactions.  We define our success in terms of your success.

We hope this blog helps to answer a couple of questions about how an outsource sales and marketing organization can help you increase your executive control of your sales and marketing operations. If you have any additional questions please feel free to contact us.


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