Welcome To Our Blog

Gabriel Sales would like to welcome you to our blog.   We have been in the B to B sales outsourcing and marketing business since 1999 and we feel like the last 2 have presented the most radical shifts we have ever seen.  The rules of engagement have changed and the sales cycle is much more complicated.  What has not changed is the job to be done, there is just more pressure to execute with reduced resources –  we need to drive more leads,  qualify them faster, shorten the sales cycle,  close more business,  up sell and cross sell quicker while simultaneously driving down the cost of sales percentage down.   The past 2 years have been exciting time for us because pressure and challenges create opportunities and force innovation. We expect these innovations to continue to increase exponentially.

At Gabriel Sales we have spent the past 2 years focused cracking the code on Sales and Marketing Alignment. We have developed some very unique approaches, proprietary processes, and tactics all driven by some innovative thinkers to help and show our clients to make this challenging market shift!  We believe that Sales and Marketing Alignment is going to be a key competitive advantage in the coming years.   We are confident that this focus has paid off because we are seeing the results for our clients.

One thing that we always keep top of mind is that Sales and Marketing alignment requires teamwork and commitment.  It takes the support of the CFO and the CEO.   It requires active contribution of Inside Sales Reps and Marketing Coordinators – and the leadership of Sales and Marketing Executives and Managers. Finally it requires the cooperation of your advertising agencies and marketing vendors.   Success requires team work and cooperation because ultimately Sales and Marketing Alignment requires integration and commitment to the following four pillars:

  • You need to commit to selling to the buyer using a process that allows the buyer to buy the way they want to.
  • You need to manage your effort with hard conversion metrics, feedback loops and analysis
  • You need to support your marketers with internal and external communication tools so they can craft and execute the right content and communication strategy to make your sales team successful
  • You need to commit to leveraging and pushing your technology stack to drives sales and marketing automation whenever possible

The purpose of this blog is to share what we have learned and are continuing to discover because everything starts as an idea.  We know that ideas increase as they are shared and gain momentum as they are executed against.  The quicker we learn and execute the more powerful and financially rewarding ideas become.  Bottom line ideas are worthless without action.

We hope that everyone from the rep on the phone to the C-Suite will find an idea or two here that will improve the quality of their life professionally and personally and that some of you will decide to explore leveraging Gabriel Sales to help you execute.  As a first step on the execution path for B to B Sales Outsourcing, please feel free to visit us for a no obligation pipe velocity review.   We look forward to our dialogue.

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Learn Why and How to Increase Your Sales Funnel by 451%.
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Learn how to sell more effectively to the Modern B2B buyer in this FREE and comprehensive four-part educational seminar.
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