Video and Outsourced Sales

by | Mar 1, 2017 | Uncategorized

As an outsourced sales company we get to meet many small business owners that have fantastic solutions and powerful sales stories to tell.  And in many cases they are hitting a wall where they are hiring more reps, or even worse churning through reps that are struggling to move deals through their sales funnel.

In many cases this is because they are depending on their sales reps to move deals forward and they are not giving them the type of content they need to make it easy for the buyer to buy.  In fact, according to a survey of 1200 buyers completed in Q4 of 2016 –  85% of most organizations now prefer to make all are part of their initial purchase decision through digital channels whenever possible and then 75% of those buyers will not make a purchase decision without engaging with a sales rep at the end of the buying process.

This means you need to use digital content to help your sales team or your outsourced sales team to sell to their buyers.

One way we help companies address this challenge as an outsourced sales company is to use the following types of video:

Short Video Demos – You can quickly create demos of your product and solutions.  This makes it easier for your buyer to check out your solution and if they are still interested you can do a custom demo.

Headshot Videos –  Headshot videos can be used to answer FAQs, or explain your value props and differentiators and the buyer can meet the executives that stand behind the product to help your outsourced sales team build trust.

Short Intro Pitch Video – Remember don’t get too pitchy in these videos.  You can explain the problems that exist for the client, the impacts of those problems and how you can solve this problem, often in as little as 2-3 minutes.  These videos need to be professionally done but do not need to be over produced.  This makes it easy for your outsourced sales team to recap the conversation with your buyer and gives the buyers something to share internally.

Checklist Videos – You can often take one or two slides from a webcast video and expand them to 5-10 slides and you have a quick checklist videos on a topic that is easy to digest anywhere your buyer has a mobile device.

Gabriel Sales build modern sales and marketing operations for companies committed to sales growth.   We help them create the content they need to meet the needs of their buyers and then we provide outsourced sales teams to help share that content in the market.  To learn more about our comprehensive sales outsourcing services please visit our  outsourced sales team page.


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