Top Sales Outsourcing Misconceptions

This blog addresses the common misunderstandings about B to B sales outsourcing, and explains how an outsourcing sales company uses their services to find business solutions and increase sales for their clients.

Because outsourced sales and marketing is an industry still in its infancy, many business owners are wary and apprehensive when approached about sales outsourcing their sales.   Choosing whether or not to outsource sales is not an easy decision, and there are multiple risks and concerns to consider, these are often confusing to those without experience in the sales industry.

To clear up at least some of the confusion you may have, here are five of the most common B to B sales outsourcing misconceptions we have seen from business owners here at Gabriel Sales.

  1. 1. “I don’t need a full-time rep.”

While many clients originally only want to staff a part-time sales representative, we have found this seldom works long term.  Even if a company starts out with a part-time person, it often becomes necessary to scale to full-time.  Sales outsourcing companies are flexible in this regard, and work with their clients to find the most effective balance possible.  Gabriel Sales offers temporary, part-time, and full-time options for lead generation and inside sales.

  1. 2. “I already have a sales team.  I don’t need outsourcing.”

Having an existing sales team does not automatically exclude you from the benefits of sales and marketing outsourcing.  In fact, many of our clients have sales teams of their own.  We improve upon what you already have, and can act as an extension to your current sales and marketing teams.  We  often employ a sales representative exclusively for setting sales appointments, sales qualifying or B2B lead generation.  Other times, we are taken on solely to aid in a new product launch.  There are many sales services an outsourcing sales and marketing company can provide to an existing sales team; to see more of them, check out our services page.

  1. 3. “I want to do my own recruiting.”

If you’re considering outsourcing your sales and marketing, your current sales recruiting process most likely isn’t working.  If you don’t have years of experience finding people who can execute successfully, an outsourcing sales company can definitely help.   Many companies end up coming to us because of the lack of success of their own recruits.  Recruiting takes time and money; outsourcing sales saves both.  By outsourcing sales and marketing, businesses can take advantage of the vast sales expertise experienced sales personnel provide to them.

  1. 4. “I want to remain in control of my sales process.”

We know choosing to outsource your sales and marketing can seem like handing the keys to your convertible over to a complete stranger.  This can no doubt be unnerving.  However, we have found open communication between both partners in an outsourcing sales relationship to alleviate this anxiety.  At all times and in all situations working with our clients, we keep them informed of our activities and progress. You, the client, finalize any decisions.

  1. 5. “I want to build my brand, not my outsourcer’s brand.”

When you hire a B to B sales outsourcing company, their job is to sell you, not themselves.  Here at Gabriel Sales we understand this, and constantly put the client first.  Our sales representatives make calls and act as your employees in all business interactions.  Our job is to help you succeed.  Only then, do we succeed.

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