Proven Outsourced Sales and Marketing Operations to Accelerate Your Funnel

We Specialize in Building & Optimizing Marketing Automation, Lead Nurturing and Sales Enablement Engines

Gabriel Sales Helps You Bridge the Gap from Marketing to Sales

Gabriel Sales has a 15-year track record helping B2B companies build repeatable, scalable and profitable sales and marketing operations leveraging Salesforce, Marketing Automation Technologies, Video Content Marketing, Lead Nurturing and Sales Enablement Best Practices. We help you craft, engineer and execute proven lead nurturing, marketing automation and technology best practice workflows to move buyers through the sale funnel faster. 

What makes Gabriel Sales  unique is that we can tap into our past history as an outsourced sales agency to provide real-world, frontline expertise.  We help sales and marketing organizations leverage their tech stacks to move buyers from first touch point to converted opportunities. We use tested and proven processes that make the handoff from marketing to sales seamless.  We are uniquely qualified to help you leverage your data more effectively.

We Focus on Maximizing Salesforce & Marketing Automation to Make an Impact the Sales Funnel

The lines between marketing and sales are becoming blurred as marketing takes leads deeper into the sales funnel. Gabriel Sales understands the critical roles marketing, content marketers and effective marketing automation now play in increasing both demand and the performance & velocity of the sales funnel. 

We help organizations solve both capability and/or capacity challenges to increase the effectiveness of their day-to-day marketing operations, marketing automation and sales operations. 

Our front line sales experience, marketing tech expertise and library of best practice frameworks make us uniquely qualified to your team to take your marketing, sales and rev ops to the next level

To help clients accelerate their sales funnel and increase the effectiveness of their marketing engines, we can provide a combination of Salesforce certified technical consulting, proven best practices, strategy consulting, project work and/or day-to-day marketing-managed services.

We Help Your Organziation to:

  • Craft strategies to improve specific stages of your funnel
  • Implement new Salesforce and marketing automation tech stacks
  • Audit and optimize existing Salesforce and marketing automation tech stacks
  • Ensure you are maximizing the features of your existing technology subscriptions
  • Deploy and/or execute proven automation workflows in each area of your sales funnel
  • Deploy and/or execute proven automation for specific types of events/campaigns
  • Improve data visibility with dashboards and reports
  • Help marketers make smarter decisions and showcase the impact of their efforts
  • Improve lead scoring and grading
  • Enable sales with everything your tech stack offers
  • Provide more accurate pipeline forecasting
  • Help you execute campaigns more consistently on a day-to-day basis
  • Launch turnkey demand gen engines for funded start-ups and established SMBs
  • Augment gaps in your lead nurturing content

What Sets Gabriel Sales Apart to Make Us Unique

  1. We know how to help marketers produce real sales results
  2. We have deep front line experience & expertise in both sales and marketing
  3. We are Salesforce and Marketing Automation experts
  4. We have proven and tested marketing automation & sales acceleration frameworks and workflows
  5. We understand how to leverage your technology and data to make both sales and marketing more productive and effective
  6. We understand how to help marketers enable sales
  7. We have flexible and customized engagement models to augment almost any gap in your sales and marketing operations
  8. We specialize in leveraging/producing videos to take lead nurturing and marketing automation to the next level

We Know How to Help Marketers Produce Real Sales Results

Gabriel Sales is not your typical digital agency. Our goal is to help your marketers maximize their lead generation, content marketing and marketing automation technology investments moving leads deeper into the funnel. We aim to help marketers optimize their technologies and processes to provide sales with what matters most – a predictable flow of high-quality leads. Our solution stack is a great fit for marketers and sales leaders, serious about taking their demand generation and marketing automation to the next level. We are uniquely qualified to help companies that committed to building automated, digital-first sales and marketing operations.We can increase your capability and/or capacity for the following reasons:

We have deep front-line experience and expertise in both B2B Sales and B2B Marketing

Day to Day Sales Execution

Gabriel Sales was launched in San Francisco in 2002 as an outsourced sales organization responsible for managing and executing the sales process from lead generation, through development, qualification, close and upsell. Learn more about our sales track record.

Day to Day Marketing Execution

To support sales execution, Gabriel Sales has been creating sales funnels with repeatable marketing processes combining – database acquisition,  email marketing, digital media, video marketing, email and lead nurturing and sales development reps for 20 years.This real-world experience across the entire sales funnel means we know how to implement, optimize, report and manage your tech stack and processes to support both sales and marketing.

Maximizing/Measuring Marketing Campaigns and Generating Insights

Gabriel Sales has unique expertise in data analytics. Gabriel Sales and it’s co-founder, Glen Springer, also co-founded Marketics a data analytics company founded in 2001 and sold in 2007 (aquired by WNS).  Next, Gabriel Sales were investors and ran sales and marketing for Collective Intellect, a social media analytics company acquired by Oracle in 2012.

In both these roles, we were fortunate to work with some of the best B2C and B2B Senior Sales Executives, Brand Manager and Data Marketers in the world at companies like Procter & Gamble, IBM, Hilton, Cisco, Intel, Avery Dennison, Coca-Cola, NBC/Universal and US Bank. We helped these enterprise marketing organizations leverage data to measure Return on Marketing Investment (ROMI), brand impact and specifics campaigns. We now bring that same knowledge, discipline and approach  support mid-market B2B companies as we help them optimize their marketing automation to make smarter decisions with their data.


Gabriel Sales has successfully implemented, optimized, and integrated over 150 Salesforce and Marketing Automation Tech Stacks

Salesforce & Marketing Automation Implementations

Third Party Software Integrations & Optimizations

Custom Reports, Dashboards & Data Visualizations

Our fully Salesforce Certified team also has the real world and hands on experience + expertise to maximize your tech stack investments

Gabriel Sales has been leveraging Salesforce since 2002 and has been a Pardot partner (now Account Engagement) since 2012 (prior to their acquisition by Salesforce). We have also leveraged and implemented half a dozen additional Marketing Automation/CRM platforms including: Hubspot, Zoho, NetSuite, ActOn. And we have managed integrations with dozens of plug ins.

This CRM and marketing automation experience spans a broad array of B2B sales and marketing organizations of all shapes and sizes – from start-ups, through the mid-market to the Fortune 500. We have supported sales process of varied complexity –  from SaaS subscriptions to complex consultative sales, with upsells and cross-sells.  We have worked across almost every major industry vertical including – tech, software, hardware, manufacturing, professional services, engineering, construction, medical devices, nonprofit, compliance and pharma and data analytics.

This deep expertise allows us to cross-pollinate tested and proven best practices across our entire customer base, so all our clients grow faster with greater effectiveness and financial efficiency.    

We have a library of the most current and most effective best practices and workflows

Our front line sales and marketing experience, our robust use of automation technologies + Salesforce applications are all coupled with consistent & ongoing training and Salesforce certifications. This means you are getting a team that can provide the latest business and process specific solutions that will propel your team in the right direction. Our team and proven best practices help you stay ahead of the curve, maximize your tech stack investments and provide you with a competitive advantage to develop, win and retain more business. 

 Our fully Salesforce Certified team (with continuous Salesforce and Account Engagement training) ensures you leverage your all your tools and integrations with all the current features and capabilities to maximize your results and your tech stack investments

Our 12 years plus of daily day-to-day use/management of Salesforce and Marketing Automation, plus our consistent Salesforce training, hundreds of implementations, optimizations and integrations mean we have developed hundreds of proven and tested frameworks and best practices. We help you get it right the first time, faster at a lower/variable cost.


Proven Best Practices and Tested Framework Include:

  • Fast and Effective Implementations
  • Audits and Optimizations
  • Feature Utilization
  • Third-Party Integrations
  • Data Governance and Security
  • UTM Tagging & Attribution
  • HIPAA And Compliance
  • Tradeshows and Event Support
  • Lead Nurturing Workflows
  • A/B Testing
  • Email Production Processes
  • Quality Assurance Processes
  • Account-Based Marketing
  • Lead Scoring and Grading
  • Sales Enablement

We know how to access/measure/visualize your data to improve results. We also help marketers share their success stories with the internal stakeholders

Measuring what marketing is contributing to the organization and sales is tricky. From campaign results, to content attribution, to sales pipeline and revenue contribution, we help marketers access their data across their systems to improve insights and share their success with dynamic reports and dashboards.

We help marketers measure both tactics and marketing attribution for continous improvment

We ensure marketing is acknowledged for their hard work and sales contribution


We can “Enable Sales” with everything Salesforce and Marketing Automation has to offer

With our history as an outsourced sales organization, we have been implementing and optimizing Salesforce and Marketing Automation tech stacks with a primary focus on enabling front-line sales reps and senior sales executives for over 15 years. 

Enable Increased Sales Rep Production

We help Business Development Reps (BDRs) and Sales Rep leverage both Salesforce and your marketing automation systems to prioritize leads. Then we provide increased intelligence to help them develop, qualify and closer business faster and more effectively.  We also provide tools to inspire accountability for their daily activities that produce sales results.

  • Scored leads
  • Prioritized lead lists
  • Buyer intelligence reports
  • Third-party integrations
  • Daily activity reports and dashboards
  • Monitored sales journeys

Tools to prioritize leads and improve a rep’s time managment

Enable Accurate Real Time Sales Forecasts,  Real-Time Pipeline Activity and Real- Time Sales Activity

We can enable sales leadership with a clean line of sight into every stage of their sales funnel for more accurate forecasts and sale funnel management. We also provide them with the tools they need to track, measure and evaluate their team’s activities daily, weekly and monthly to drive more revenue and production.

  • Real-time Forecasts
  • Funnel Activity
  • Sales Stage Activity
  • Rep Activities
  • Output to Impact Reports
  • Pipeline to Forecast

Increase visibility and real time info to make it easier to manage sales teams

We can an help you align sales and marketing strategies to make it easier for your buyers to buy and easier for sellers to sell

We craft strategies to help you tell powerful sales stories, build urgency and increases conversions at every stage of your sales funnel

As an outsourced sales organization, Gabriel Sales launched dozens of new products and solutions into the market with comprehensive go-to-market strategies. We are now able to offer discrete strategy workshops for multiple stages of the funnel to help increase your ability to develop and nurture buyers at every stage of the funnel to improve specific processes and results.  Learn more

  • Go-to-Marketing
  • Repeatable Demand Generation
  • Ideal Customer Profiles
  • Targeting Markets
  • Account Based Marketing (ABM)
  • Lead Nurturing Workflows
  • Salesforce Optimization
  • Marketing Automation Optimization
  • Sales Enablement
  • Lead Scoring, Grading & Alerts
  • Custom Dashboards & Reporting
  • Forecasts
  • Sales Story
  • Value Props & Differentiators
  • Lead Nurturing Content Plans
  • Sales Automation Content Plans

We can provide both expert managed services and/or consulting to support companies at multiple stages of Marketing Automation, Sales Enablement and Lead Nurturing Maturity

Marketing and Sales Operations Managed Services to Increase Conistency and Capacity

We can immediately provide increased capacity with a blended team of fully-managed outsourced marketing automation, marketing and sales operation services for more consistent and reliable day-to-day execution to ensure consistency required for sustained success. Blended teams are customized based on your needs and include

  • Executive Oversight & Senior Consultants
  • Certified Salesforce Administrators
  • Account Enagagement (Pardot) Specialist
  • Marketing Automation & Sales Enablement Managers
  • Content Management Specialists
  • Social Media Coordinators
  • Database Managers & Analayst

These day-to-day, blended marketing operations teams are managed by Senior Sales and Marketing Executives with a proven track record of building and managing successful sales, revenue and marketing operations.  Learn more about our managed services.  Learn more about our our Outsourced Marketing and Sales Operations Managed Services

Consulting Projects to Increase Your Capabilities

We also offer projects, audits and consulting packages to support specific areas to improve your demand generation, marketing automation, customer insights, data governance, systems security, data hygiene, reporting and more.  Learn more about our Salesforce and Marketing Automation consulting.

Increase your capability or capacity faster with flexible enagment models and teams designed and staffed to meet your specific needs


We specialize in producing and leveraging videos to create lead nurturing and lead scoring campaigns

Gabriel Sales started using thought leadership videos to support to replicate and automate pre-sales education, lead nurturing and sales qualification process in 2014.  After creating 1000s of videos, we have developed several frameworks and processes to help market it easier for the buyer to buy and to make it easier for the seller to sell.  Learn more about how we create and use videos to nurture and score leads.

Who Do We Serve?

Gabriel Sales Has Been Helping B2B Sales and Marketing Orginzations Compete & Win for 20 Years

Gabriel Sales specializes in working with founders, executives and sales and marketing leaders that are committed to growth and creating repeatable sales and marketing processes. As a turnkey demand generation and lead nurturing services we specialize in taking companies from $0-$20M in revenue. As a Salesforce, marketing automation and lead nurturing managed services and consulting company we specialize in supporting small business through the mid-market enterprise. We are passionate about helping you build mature sales and marketing organization faster, with less risk. We will increase your bandwidth, customer line of sight and your ability to scale and grow your businesses’ sales funnel, maturity and value. We aim to produce reoccurring revenue and help create a sales and marketing organization that delivers bottom line and top line results.

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