How to know if sales outsourcing and marketing is right for you
Here are 5 final considerations to share with your potential B to B Sales Outsourcing and Marketing Partner as you are thinking about engaging.
1. Is reducing your speed to market critical? When you outsource you are plugging into a fully functioning machine. The technologies to execute are in place, the processes are built and you have a sales and marketing team that already knows how to work together to execute towards closed business on day 1. To recruit, build and train a team can take quarters if not years and even as you build that team you don’t know if they will work well together (we call it playing nice). Do you have the time to bring that team together and manage them?
2. Am I looking for Operational Expertise? Operational expertise takes time to develop because operational expertise is driven by measurement and verification against feedback loops. To truly drive operational expertise you need to benchmark against historical data. One of the major benefits of plugging into your outsourced partner’s existing sales machine is that you are not starting from scratch. There is a machine, feedback loops and historical data already in motion. You start smarter and you learn faster.
3. Do I want to build Operational Expertise and then bring it in house? You don’t need to be clear on this upfront but the reality of outsourced sales is that once the code is cracked and the process is built you can reduce your costs of sales by bringing it in house. If this is something you may be interested in it makes sense to discuss this with your partner sooner rather than later. We have found that if done effectively we can often times transition all or parts of the process at the right strategic time for our partners so everyone wins.
4. Is Scalability important to me? Sales outsourcing and marketing partners already have the ability to manage the increase and decrease of scale built into their system. All the infrastructure and process from the technology platforms, to the phone systems, recruiting and training systems etc. are already in place. Adding and decreasing headcount and the itinerant headaches are removed. Would it be of benefit to you to get rid of these headaches?
5. Do I really need to add full time executives (and the long term fixed costs) to my management team? The kiss of death to any company is too many strategists and not enough soldiers. Outsourced providers can bring the right strategic expertise to the table at the right time and then get rid of those costs. Getting the initial sales efforts off the ground takes strategic insight and leadership and often requires Senior Executive Talent on both the Sales and Marketing fronts. Pulling the technologies together also takes some advanced expertise. All this requires a significant investment. The beauty of going to an outsourced provider is that once this investment is made you don’t need to continue to carry these fixed costs. The senior team moves to the background and the machine and sales reps continue to generate revenue.
For more on Gabriel Sales or B to B Sales Outsourcing and marketing, please contact us.