Internal Sales Rep vs. Outsourced Sales Team

outsourced-sales-teamIn 2013, many B2B companies are trying to improve their sales and marketing by hiring a new sales representative to join their sales team.  While allocating more time and effort to the task of sales is the right thing to do, hiring a full-time rep internally might not be your best option.  This blog explores how hiring an outsourced sales team can help you achieve your business goals more efficiently and effectively than an internal rep.

If you look at the process of hiring a new in-house salesperson, you see that it is a considerable expense to you.  You have to spend time searching for the right person and training him or her once found.  After all of this, you still do not come close to the amount of ability, competence and connections you have in a full team of people.  In addition, you may be hesitant to let an internal person who is not working out go because of the significant investment you made beforehand.  We therefore believe you stand to gain more success from hiring an outsourced team than you do with an internal rep.

Here are four more reasons we believe B2B companies can benefit from hiring an outsourced sales team:

1)    Low overhead cost and zero fixed payroll or benefit costs.  An outsourced sales team has its own office space, phones and computers to use, eliminating those costs for you.  If you go with the outsourced team you also do not have to treat the team as your own employees in terms of payroll and benefits.

2)    Access to a larger and more resourceful sales team.  In most situations, the cost of an entire outsourced sales team is the same as hiring one full-time rep internally.

3)    Improved sales coverage.  When you have multiple people, you are able to increase the number of people you reach and expand your list of potential customers.

4)    Advantage of previously established business relationships.  By hiring an outsourced team, you gain access to a variety of connections and contacts you can exploit to gain profit for your company.

If you would like to know more about the pros and cons of an Internal Sales Rep vs. Outsourced Sales Team, please reach out to us at Gabriel Sales by contacting us here.


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