Using Google+ for B2B Marketing

GooglePlus-Logo-OfficialGoogle+ is the newest player in the social networking game and by September 2012, it already had more than 400 million users.  It is kind of like a highly organized Facebook that has ties to regular Google search.

This connection to regular Google search is what makes using Google+ for B2B marketing an asset.  Here is how it works: if you post something to Google+, that post becomes automatically integrated into Google’s search engine.  So, every post you make will show up in Google search results, but it will also effect future search results overall.  Posts on Google+ related to your business can ultimately improve your SEO, which is something every B2B company can benefit from.

Here are some tips for effectively Using Google+ for B2B Marketing:

  • Make a Business Page. Similar to Facebook, need to create a page designed for business, not a personal profile.
  • Invite You Customers. Send out an invite to all of your existing customers inviting them to become your friend on Google+.  You can do this through email, or via Facebook or Twitter; you should probably do all three.
  • Add Content. Similar to Facebook, you want to give your readers something to look at besides words.  This means you should upload your photos from Facebook and you videos from YouTube to Google+.
  • Create ‘Circles’.  Google+ allows you to make groups of friends, called circles, based on similar interests, topics, etc. When you create a circle, you can send posts only to the people within that circle.  This allows for an excellent opportunity to use audience segmentation and create specific messages for people based on a variety of factors like geographic location, company size or industry.
  • Post Consistently About Topics of Interest. Like Facebook and Twitter, Google+ requires you to post regularly if you want to stay relevant. Speaking of relevant, your posts should also be of interest interesting to the people following you. Do not post anything and everything that comes to mind; first make sure your idea is something worthwhile for your readers.
  • Host Video Chats. Similar to Skype, Google+ allows you to host or participate in video chats including many people at the same time.  You can use this feature to your advantage by hosting chats about frequently asked questions or a new product or service.

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