Finding Sales and Marketing Talent Fast by Outsourcing Sales

If you have been in business for more than 3 years it should now be abundantly clear that we all are experiencing a dramatic shift in sales and marketing where outsourcing sales can help you quickly address these issues:

  • Buyers are now in control of the sales process and solutions are first “bought”— with digital content that proves you understand your buyers’ needs and pains—then “sold” by closers, once buyers feel educated enough to engage in deeper discussions.
  • Buyers want to understand how you solve their problem, and then want to understand your product features. So your reps need content and tools to tell that story.
  • You can no longer just throw callers at lead generation to solve your early stage funnel issues because buyers simply don’t pick up the phone as often as they used to.

Success now requires a team of sales and marketing professionals running integrated campaigns and technology to successfully sell to the new digitally driven buyer.

And once a business owner reaches this conclusion they will often decide to consider outsourcing sales.  They will consider outsourcing sales  as a solution to help them cover some of the talent and expertise gaps they have in their existing organization because they don’t have the time or the expertise to recruit, hire and train a team with the experts required to sell to the new digital buyer.

outsourced sales team

Below is a quick list of the sales and marketing talent an outsourcing sales company can bring to the table in less than 30 days.

  • A senior strategist – Your outsourced sales campaign will be guided by a strategist that understand how to tell a powerful sales story using digital marketing and sales reps.
  • Content producer – An integrated campaign will require content production.  A sales outsourcing company will be able to supply a team of video producers, copy writers and graphic designers on a part time basis to support your efforts.
  • Sales technology specialist – You will immediately gain access to a marketing automation and CRM specialist to make sure your systems are implemented with best practices to produce the results you need.
  • Marketing manager – You will have a marketing manager to manage your inbound and outbound campaigns and reporting, and ensure your digital marketing and lead gen success.
  • Database specialist – Managing an early stage pipeline requires clean and updated data.  You will have a specialist that understands how to build and manage a database of leads.
  • Buyer development and inside sales reps – Even if you can drive all your leads with inbound marketing you will eventually need someone to qualify your leads or manage the close of the sale.  An outsourced sales company can provide and scale that team.

To learn more about Gabriel Sales ability to help you quickly build and staff a repeatable sales and marketing process please feel free to visit our outsourcing sales page.


Ebook: The Digital-First Sales Transformation

Learn Why and How to Increase Your Sales Funnel by 451%.
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