How to Build and Edit Reports in Salesforce – Sales Tech Tutorial

by | May 12, 2024 | Video

Learn how to edit reports in Salesforce to quickly increase visibility and help your sales team increase productivity

(Video Length 6:00)

Topics Discussed in How to Edit Reports in Salesforce

Reports are one of the most powerful tool in Salesforce to ensure managers can support and enable sale reps to hit their daily, weekly and monthly targets.

In this quick use case video we explain the basics of building reports so sales managers (and reps if they have access) can build reports to ensure they are tracking to goals.  Building solid reports is fundamental to building dashboards and visualizations.


What You Will Learn:

  1. Starting in Reports Tab
  2. How to use fields
  3. How to access report outlines
  4. How to filter information you see in reports
  5. How to define dates for reporting
  6. How to set up reports for dashboards
  7. How to group by lead/opportunity status
  8.  How to add charts
  9. How to edit reports to refine them

About The Presenter 

Carol Springer

Founder Gabriel Sales

Carol has been working with the Salesforce platform since 2004 and Salesforce Account Engagement (Pardot) since 2012. She has launched over 100 successful Salesforce and Pardot implementations. Carol and her team hold multiple Salesforce Certifications including:  Salesforce Administrator, Pardot (Account Engagment) Specialist,  Sales Cloud, Salesforce Developer and Service Cloud Consultant.

Carol spent her early career at Gabriel Sales as a front line executive and sales professional launching, hiring, managing and then transitioning sales and marketing operations for dozens of B2B companies so she understands how these technologies and systems can be leveraged to produce real sales results for business and P&L owners. Carol started her professional sales career as both an inside sales and enterprise sales rep for several Silicon Valley Start Ups.  She founded Gabriel Sales in 2004 and shifted her focus to managing day-to-day sales and marketing operations for B2B companies of all shapes and sizes.

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