3 Reasons Your B2B Sales is Failing (Part 1)

BankruptcyMany B2B companies have started to catch on to the fact that marketing in the digital space is dramatically different than marketing of the past. Selling in this space means playing by different rules (i.e. the buyer runs the show), however, many companies have not taken the time to understand the complexities and intricacies these new rules contain.

So, if you have tried to adapt to B2B marketing in the digital world, but have found little success, here are three reasons your B2B sales and marketing strategy might be failing:

  1. Your lead gen campaigns lack intelligent strategy.

By now, many B2B marketers have learned they need to develop digital content to keep up with their competitors.  Many marketers have now busied themselves by creating white papers, social media accounts, blogs, webcasts and more to reach their customers in the new digital space.  However, the part that many B2B marketers have missed is the need for strategy and content management.

Simply throwing out a bunch of sales collateral and hoping for a sale is not going to work.  Buyers are looking to engage with content that speaks directly to their needs and business challenges.  This requires research and planning.  By looking at data like customer demographics, SEO analytics and website traffic, you can create an ideal customer profile. An ideal customer profile is comprised of factors like geographic region, job title, industry, size of company, etc. and will tell you what type of prospects your marketing content should target.

Once you know the basic demographics of the buyer you would like to sell to, you can start thinking strategically about content. What are the main objections this type of buyer would have? Are they concerned more about price or quality? Does this buyer like to watch short videos or read long white papers? Once you have answered these questions, marketing content development is no longer random and is instead backed by logic and data.

For the second half of this blog, click here.

For more B2B sales tips, click here.

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