B2B Marketing Plans 101

b2b marketing planIn today’s technology-driven world, your B2B marketing plan is mainly going to consist of digital content marketing and web content management. In this blog, we give a very basic overview for how to build a B2B marketing plan to improve lead generation and drive revenue.

The first part of your marketing plan is about research and development. You need to determine what market you are going after and create an idea customer profile.  An idea customer profile contains information about the ideal demographics for your target customer; this can include things like region, title, industry, department, etc. Once you know who you are selling to, it is much easier to create marketing content for them.

The next part of your B2B marketing plan is actual content development itself.  Using the information you know about your ideal customer profile, consider what information would be relevant or valuable to your target customer. You also need to create content that is designed specifically for each stage of the buying cycle.  For example, early stage prospects need to be educated; late-stage buyers need to be convinced. By having different pieces of marketing content for each stage of the buying cycle, your prospects will feel like you understand their needs and begin to trust you.

The final stage of your B2B marketing plan is execution and refinement. With your content created, you can then push your messaging over blogs, your website and social media. With later-stage content, it is a good idea to keep it “gated” and require prospects to fill out a form with their contact information to get access. This way, you will know who your prospects are as they are nearing the close (with a marketing automation platform, you can track prospects from their first interaction on your website). Once your content is out there, you can use a variety of analytics to help you understand where have been successful and where you need improvement. You then make small adjustments over time by refining your messages or trying out different social networking or video hosting platforms.

If you would like more detailed content on B2B marketing plans, click here. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

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