Targeted Marketing and Ideal Customer Profiles Improve Campaigns

Targeted Marketing and Ideal Customer Profiles Improve Campaigns

Targeted Marketing and Ideal Customer Profiles Improve Campaigns

How Targeted Marketing and Ideal Customer Profiles Improve Campaigns and Lead Nurturing

In this article, we will explain the benefits of integrating your targeted marketing practices with your ideal customer profiles.  Combining the two tools enables businesses to optimize their marketing efforts, improve the relevance and personalization of content, increase conversion rates, build stronger customer relationships, and drive better customer acquisition and retention outcomes. It maximizes the effectiveness of marketing strategies and ensures that resources are allocated to the most valuable customer segments.

So, let’s start by defining terms.

What is B2B targeted marketing?

B2B targeted marketing, also known as business-to-business targeted marketing, refers to the practice of tailoring marketing efforts and strategies specifically to businesses, rather than individual consumers. It involves promoting and selling products or services from one business to another.

In B2B targeted marketing, the focus is on reaching key decision-makers within the target businesses, such as executives, managers, or purchasing agents, who have the authority to make purchasing decisions on behalf of their organizations. The goal is to create awareness, generate interest, and ultimately convince these businesses to engage in a commercial relationship.

What is an ideal customer profile?

An ideal customer profile (ICP) is a fictional representation of the perfect customer for a business. It is a detailed description of the type of customer who is most likely to derive the highest value from a company’s products or services. The ICP helps businesses identify and target their most desirable customer segments more effectively.

By understanding your ideal customer profile, both Digital Demand Center and our customers can better tailor marketing strategies to reach the most qualified prospects. The creation of an ideal customer profile involves analyzing and understanding the characteristics, behaviors, and needs of existing successful customers. Here are some key components typically considered when developing an ICP:

  • Title and Level of Contact – You want to ensure your marketing efforts reach buyers that can make or influence a purchase decision.
  • Functional Area – Understanding the specific roles or departments involved in purchasing decisions, such as procurement, marketing, IT, finance, operations, human resources, and executive leadership, is crucial for effective targeting. Tailoring messaging to decision-makers’ needs and priorities within these functional areas enhances campaign effectiveness.
  • Vertical Market – This is especially important if having existing referrals or expertise is important to close the sales.
  • Demographics – This includes information such as industry, company size, location, annual revenue, and employee count. These demographics help identify businesses that align with the company’s target market.
  • How to Run an Account Based Marketing Campaign – Identifying the specific challenges, problems, or needs that the ideal customer faces helps position the company’s offerings as solutions. This understanding enables businesses to create targeted marketing campaigns that address these pain points effectively.

We also recommend that you look at past customers that you struggle to retain. This means analyzing your past failures. Understand what type of customers drive the least amount of revenue for the most effort.

Three Reasons Why an Ideal Customer Profile Is Important for B2B Targeted Marketing and Lead Nurturing?

An ideal customer profile is a key factor in any successful B2B marketing strategy. Defining an ICP helps you understand how to:

  1. Maximize your targeted marketing budget.
  2. Decide what content to create for your campaigns.
  3. Ensure better open rates for email campaigns.

How does an ideal customer profile help you to understand what marketing channels to use for your business?

An ideal customer profile can help you understand which marketing channels to use by giving you an idea of where your audience resides. Knowing the age of your target customer will can help you choose the most effective platforms and methods for reaching them so that you’re not wasting time, energy or resources on marketing that won’t be successful.

By understanding where and how your target audience likes to receive messages, you can craft campaigns that deliver maximum reach and engagement. For example, if you’re marketing to baby boomers, it might make sense to focus more on Facebook and display ads than other social media to build your initial awareness. Similarly, when your ICP contains the characteristics of your target customers, such as industry, company size, and location, you can more easily identify the platforms or channels commonly used by your target audience. For example, if your ideal customers are primarily active on LinkedIn and attend industry-specific events, this suggests that utilizing these channels could be beneficial for reaching and engaging with them.

If your target audience heavily relies on online research and engages with content through social media, investing in digital marketing channels like social media advertising, content marketing, or search engine optimization (SEO) could be effective. On the other hand, if your customers prefer face-to-face interactions, attending trade shows, conferences, or industry events, may be more suitable. If you’re targeting millennials or Gen Z, digital platforms like Instagram and YouTube would likely be more effective.

Finally, an ICP can also help you identify opportunities for expanding into new markets or demographics. For example, if you see that a certain segment of your target audience is disproportionately engaging with influencers on TikTok, it could be a sign that you should consider investing in influencer partnerships to reach those buyers. By understanding where and how your target audience prefers to receive messages, you can tailor content and campaigns for maximum efficiency.

But it’s important to remember that, according to Salesforce and Hubspot, email remains the preferred channel for initial awareness and education for the B2B buyer.

How does an Ideal Customer Profile help you decide what content format to create for your campaigns?

Your ideal customer profile can also help you decide what content format will be most effective for engaging with your target audience. Depending on the interests, goals and needs of your ICP, certain formats may be more suitable. For example, if your ICP consists of younger generations, then creating visual content such as infographics or videos might be effective in capturing their attention.

On the other hand, if your ICP consists mainly of professionals, then creating content such as white papers and webcasts may be more appropriate. This is especially true if you have a complex sales process that requires building trust with your buyers over time.

Understanding the interests and needs of your ICP will help you identify which formats would be most suitable for delivering quality content that resonates with them and encourages them to become curious about your solution.

No matter what format you choose, it is important to always be mindful of the message you are trying to communicate. Focus on creating content that is accurate and clear, as this will help your audience easily understand the information being provided. Additionally, ensure that your content is relevant to the interests of your ICP.

How does an Ideal Customer Profile Help you build better email subject lines?

Knowing your ideal customer profile helps you create better email subject lines that will resonate with your target audience.

Email subject lines will be tailored to the potential buyers’ needs and also help to make it clear why they should open the message.  By focusing on areas of need and potential pain you will get more opens.

For example, C-Level Executives care about strategy and the organization’s performance:  They prefer subject lines that are often more top line focused like:

  • “A Proven Strategy to Increase Your Profits”
  • “How Does XXXXXX Increased Productivity?”

By focusing on the top line and strategic value that you are providing, C-level executives will be more likely to open your message.

And as a second example when selling to managers you may want to stay focused on their team and efficiency. When writing email subject lines for managers, they should also be clear and informative but focused on the team, cost savings and shorter-term goals such as:

  • “Learn How to Increase Your Team’s Efficiency”
  • “Increase Productivity with This Simple Solution”
  • “How To Increase Production This Quarter With…”
  • “Discover How You Can Save Resources”


By developing an ideal customer profile, businesses can focus their marketing efforts and resources on attracting and serving customers who are most likely to become long-term, profitable relationships. The ICP guides various aspects of marketing, including messaging, content creation, lead generation, and customer acquisition strategies.

To learn more about how Digital Demand Center can help you maximize your sales and marketing budget we invite you to check out our eBook on the Digital First Transformation.




Why Outsource Lead Nurturing and Demand Generation

Why Outsource Lead Nurturing and Demand Generation

Do I Really Need An Outsourced B2B Demand Generation and Lead Nurturing Partner?

First – Why Demand Generation and Lead Nurturing is Required for Success

Why outsource lead nurturing? According to Forrester, your typical buyer now consumes 7-15 pieces of digital content prior to engaging with a sales rep. And 80% of buyers want to avoid scheduling time with a sale rep until they have completed their pre-sales research and are “Sales Ready”.

This change in modern buyer’s expectations and needs is so rapid that, according to a recent Adobe research project, 82% of marketing professionals stated that marketing has changed more in the past two years than it has over the past fifty years. With this buyer shift, and the proliferation of sales automation technologies and content marketing, buyers now expect sellers to provide their pre-sales education digitally. Buyers also expect sellers to deliver educational content marketing deep into their buyers’ journey.


With the exception of enterprise companies, most sales and marketing organizations lack the time, resources, experience, expertise and talent to properly manage a systematic marketing process that meets the new digital first needs of the modern buyer.

This new set of buyer expectations also means lead generation is now just the first step in a multi-step content marketing and lead development process. It also means that a successful marketing process is no longer as simple as writing a blog every week, sending sporadic emails, posting on social media every few days and running pay per click campaigns to generate the lead. 

To produce a sustained sales funnel now requires a team to manage different processes and tactics systematically to generate demand for a solution. These processes include: lead generation campaigns, pre-sales education campaigns, lead nurturing and sales automation tactics to encourage conversions. Successful B2B demand generation cannot be executed with stand-alone tactics. Success now requires expert strategy, proven processes, the right tech stack and disciplined execution of integrated tactics to produce a sustained flow of well-educated “sales ready” leads. 


Successful Sales and Marketing Starts with a Shared Mission

Mission: Your marketing team, sales team and company need to share the singular mission of making your marketing and sales process, easy, convenient and frictionless so it’s easy for your buyer to buy.


1 – Sellers need to leverage digital content in a frictionless process to replace many of the historical tasks the Sales Development Rep. This creates quality time in a Buyer’s In-Box and Social Feed well beyond initial lead generation.

2 – Sellers need to provide and enable Buyers with the automation technologies, process, ability and option to drive their own pre-sales journey so as Sellers we can win more business.

Demand generation, lead nurturing and sales automation are longer optional for sellers. They are now requirements driven by your buyers.

The Impact of B2B Demand Generation and Lead Nurturing (4 min video)

This short video details why lead generation is only the first step in successful sales and marketing operations

 The Challenges Many B2B Sellers Face

 If you are struggling to make this transition and cultural shift you are not alone. Most businesses, and especially small to mid-sized companies, are struggling to keep up with this digital first transformation operationally:

  • Marketing has initial lead generations programs in place, but that program is not producing the results it used to, or it’s not producing to expectations.
  • Most leads are not turning it sales opportunities
  • In many cases, businesses struggle to craft a solid strategy deeper into the sales funnel/buyers journey, or they’re flying blind with scattered digital marketing tactics.
  • Business owners and sales leaders lack the access to the data or the strategic bandwidth, analysis and insights they need to make decisions around the right marketing tactics, messages and sales tech to leverage.
  • Marketing organizations lack the talent and resources to create quality content on a consistent basis.

And beyond the operational challenges and the primary need to drive a sustained flow of sales ready leads with budget constraints, the two greatest challenges companies now face according to SalesforceDrift and HubSpot are:

  • Hiring talent with experience and expertise
  • Training staff in the technologies required for success

With all of this stated – there are seven definitive ways outsourced B2B Demand Generation and Lead Nurturing with Digital Demand Center™ may be the right solution to help you grow your sales funnel, your team, your expertise and your revenue. 


Why Outsource Lead Nurturing — The Top Reasons for Outsourcing Your B2B Demand Generation and Lead Nurturing

Outsourcing your B2B demand gen and lead nurturing immediately provides your business with the team, tactics, technology and tools you need for sustained success.

1 – You Can Quickly Craft a Proven and Tested Go-To-Market Strategy

 As we have already mentioned above a digital marketing strategy is no longer as simple as writing blogs, posting on social media, sending standalone emails and running Pay-Per-Click campaigns. An effective digital marketing strategy that produces consistent results involves leveraging several tactics to tell your powerful sales story, episodically, for a sustained period of time. This requires:

  • A proven marketing strategy to create brand awareness to generate the lead
  • Sales story expertise to systematically move that buyer through you sales funnel in a methodical way leveraging content
  • Experience implementing automation technologies
  • Experience building and managing proven workflows to get the most from that technology to score and prioritize leads for you sales team

Outsourcing B2B demand generation provides you with both sales and marketing strategy expertise simultaneously. This experience allows you to craft a long-term strategic road map including:

  • Targeting and building your ideal customer profile database
  • Content for every stage of your funnel
  • Lead gen, lead nurturing and lead conversion campaign playbooks
  • Technology stack implementation and optimization
  • Lead scoring and CRM optimization


2 – Immediate Access to a Team of Sales and Marketing Operations Experts

If you don’t already have someone in house or a vendor, most companies can find resources to build awareness or generate your initial leads. The market is currently overwhelmed with vendors selling stand-alone solutions and tactics. Exiting the pandemic, initial lead generation is now a commodity.

But it’s hard to find proven B2B lead nurturing and demand gen experts because this type of expertise requires both sales and marketing operations experience. Consequentially most of these experts are well compensated, sitting inside of larger companies.  

Additionally, it’s harder (if not impossible) to hire and train these experts (especially if you are not an enterprise company with deep financial resources). And finally, it’s even harder to build a team that works together seamlessly with the singular goal of making it easier for your buyer to buy with a frictionless process at every stage of your sales funnel.  

When outsourcing your B2B Demand Generation you get immediate access a blended team of professionals with the appropriate area of process expertise you need, when you need it, at a fraction of the time and cost of building that team on your own. This blended team of both sales and marketing talent will include:

  • Database Managers
  • Senior Strategists
  • Marketing Operations Director/Analyst
  • Marketing Manager and Campaign Specialists
  • Automation and CRM Tech Specialist
  • Social Media Manager (if necessary)
  • Video Production (if necessary)
  • Writers (if necessary)
  • Designers (if necessary)

3 – Smarter, Faster, Cheaper and More Effective Marketing Automation and CRM Tech Stack Selection and Implementation

According to Gartner, most large companies fail to get marketing automation right on their first attempt. And most larger companies take over 18 months to begin to become satisfied with their implementation. Consequentially, small and mid-sized businesses, which usually need marketing automation the most, struggle to compete. They lack the experience, time and budget to select, implement and optimize their tech stack. Most overspend and many buy features they don’t need.

Outsourcing your B2B Demand Generation and Lead Nurturing helps you:

  • Select the right tech stack
  • Get the implementation right the first time
  • Get the technology at the right price (plus often avoiding annual fees)

Getting it right the first time saves you time, money and increases your productivity in the market by as much as 3X. 

Digital Demand Center™ eliminates this challenge. After over 150 implementations of dozens of tools, we have selected a proven stack for quick, affordable deployment and most importantly effective lead scoring and prioritization. Our stack delivers all the capabilities you need for seamless campaign management, sales automation, lead scoring and easy to understand dashboards that integrate seamlessly with Salesforce and other leading CRMs. And most importantly you own the system with no hidden fees or costs. 


4 – Immediate Support for Full Funnel Content Production

Most companies know they need “awareness” content to generate leads, which includes: short explainer videos, blogs and social media clips to generate awareness and initial leads. But as discussed and illustrated above, this is no longer enough. Successful sellers need to create content that stewards buyers through their entire buyer’s journey. They need to digitally clone the pre-sales education process to replace many of the historical tasks of a Sales Development Rep.


A B2B outsourcer with proven domain and sales process expertise (and their access to an assortment of creatives) will be able to manage and/or support your content production to motivate buyers deeper and deeper into the sales funnel.

When you work with Digital Demand Center™ we will be able to provide access to Gabriel Sales’ (our parent company’s) deep reservoir of production expertise with a focus on both lead nurturing videos link and videos that are crucial for lead scoring link.


5 – A Disciplined Focus on producing “Sales Ready” Leads…Not Unqualified Leads  

Most conventional marketers and even most digital agencies have a singular focus on generating more leads. And more leads is great but it’s no longer enough.

A team that understands the difference between lead generation vs. demand generation is now critical to your success. A company that specializes in demand generation will understand how to generate awareness. They will also understand how to create demand by nurturing leads until they are ready to buy

Most importantly they will understand how to score those leads so your sales team never misses a qualified sales opportunity.  


How Lead Scoring Works -Digital Demand Center™ in Action (3 min demo)

This  short video shows you how DDC™’s tech stack scores leads to predict when a buyer is  ready to talk to sales.

6 – Outsourcing May Help You Avoid Costly Errors

Building, hiring, training and managing your own team takes time and money. And after all that investment there is no guarantee that team will:

  • Understand and execute the day to day grind of managing a funnel
  • How to leverage the tech
  • What tactics work at different stages in the buying cycle
  • How to score leads
  • How to transition leads
  • Understand what metrics matter and what metrics don’t


7- Outsourcing Lowers Risk

When you hire demand gen outsourcers you get a blended team of part time professionals with specific areas of experience and expertise. They have already worked together as a team so they have already: 

  • Proven they know how to work well together
  • Proven they know how to support sales
  • Implemented multiple technologies, multiple times
  • Experimented with tactics
  • Been obsessed with the latest trends for years
  • Worked with the data so they understand what metrics matter and what metrics don’t

Proven teamwork and specialists allow you build a highly productive marketing program from the ground up – so you get it right the first time.

8 – Outsourcing Ensures Continuous Optimization and Increases Sales Funnel Production

More experience also means insights. An outsourcer can provide more guidance and better analysis faster. An outsourced solution provider will be able to build and deliver:

  • Relevant executive level dashboards
  • Reports and analysis to explain the data
  • Benchmarks against other programs so you know what the data means
  • Compare and contrast your results with competitive benchmarks

This allows your business and your outsourced team to continuously optimize your messages, campaigns and budget allocations.

9 – Marketing and Sales Operations Experts Produce Faster Results at a Lower Cost and Superior ROI  

As discussed above, outsourcing with a proven demand generation and lead nurturing solution will dramatically impact your marketing operations to ensure you:

  • Increase your speed to market by as much as 3X
  • Help you avoid the costly mistakes and the pitfalls of building on your own
  • Ensure you get it right the first time

To learn more about the Return on Investment you can expect we invite you to watch the OnDemand video webcast below.  This video is part three of our of four part of our OnDemand Educational Seminar The Digital First Transformation and Sales Automation.

 Free OnDemand Webcast –  The ROI of Lead Nurturing and Demand Generation



This 20 Minute On Demand Webinar does a deep dive into the ROI of lead nurturing and demand generation





The world has changed. Sellers that enable buyers to engage with digital content instead of depending on sales reps to learn about the seller’s solution:

  • Increase their number of sales opportunities by 451% (Annuitas Group)
  • Close 2X the amount of deals (McKinsey)
  • And lead nurturing produces 17% to 47% more revenue per deal (Annuitas Group)

Outsourcing your B2B lead nurturing can help you transform your sales and marketing process/operations faster and more cost effectively so your business grows faster at a lower cost.


About Digital Demand Center™ and Gabriel Sales™


After Gabriel Sales helped build, launch and deploy more than 150 sales and marketing engines for companies ranging from the Fortune 100 to start ups, Digital Demand Center™ was developed as a turnkey demand generation and lead nurturing solution designed specifically for small a mid-sized B2B sales organizations with multi-step sales process. We are passionate about helping our clients compete for and win more business. You can learn more about how and why we designed this solution on our About Us page.

Digital Demand Center’s™ parent company Gabriel Sales continues to help companies of all shapes and sizes grow and flourish in this digital first environment with:

  • Marketing Automation and Salesforce Implementations and Optimization
  • OnDemand and Custom Pardot, Salesforce and Salesforce Marketing Cloud Training
  • Go-to-Market Strategy Consulting
  • Marketing and Sales Operations as a Managed Service
  • Sales Automation and Deep Funnel Content Production

You can learn more about Gabriel Sales’™ team and our approach to help you grow sales and improved marketing operations on our About Us page. You can learn more about our services at



Build Marketing Automation Engine Case Study For Software Company – Small Business

Build Marketing Automation Engine Case Study For Software Company – Small Business

Gabriel Sales Helps Scale Company’s Nurture Programs And Sales Ready Leads


Company had a moderately well-established brand as one of several solutions to the problem they solved for their customer. The sale was not an “if” but “when” and “how” solution, as it was eventually a requirement to remain compliant within the industry.

Historically the company had used cold calling, events and tradeshows to generate business. As a result, they had developed a database of roughly 50K targets representing 60% of the marketing.

During the pandemic their strategy shifted to webinars, industry newsletters, educational articles and a podcast. Company needed to move from Mailchimp and a homegrown CRM to Salesforce and Pardot

They were able to do this quickly because:

  • The CEO and COO were industry thought leaders skilled in both training and public speaking
  • They had a part time event coordinator and two full time content creators.

The company had four full time sales reps that were historically both inside/outside in geographic territories.

The CEO had experience in managing the company but had not previously overseen a sales team or held a day-to-day sales position before founding the company.

Company was using Account Engagement (Pardot) to send one-off emails with specific offers.


The company had tried to implement both Salesforce and Account Engagement on their own. They had sound strategic content marketing instincts, great content creators and inbound experts (but PPC was capped at the results it was producing).

The company lacked outbound marketing and senior sales executive and senior sales marketing expertise. As a result they were struggling with implementing best practices to get the most from their CRM, Automation Technologies and their substantial library of existing and ongoing content creation.

  • The company needed to provide their sales team with a sustained flow of leads.
  • The CEO needed the ability to manage that team
  • The company needed visibility into the effectiveness of their marketing efforts and their sales team
  • CEO needed the ability to forecast growth to strategically set growth targets and quotas


Gabriel Sales was hired to optimize Pardot and Salesforce to ensure that leads were being managed effectively and to create workflows to leverage the company’s content to nurture the database of 50K leads.

Month 1

Gabriel Sales conducted an initial Audit. This allowed Gabriel Sales to:

  1. Confirm the basic system implementation was done correctly and GS was able to start to optimize the systems with about 10 hours of additional work so it was campaign ready and ready to be leveraged more effectively by sales.
  2. Craft a Road Map to leverage their existing system to nurture and score leads
  3. Establish goal for the CRM to:
    • Prioritize leads for sale reps
    • Effectively track sales reps daily activities
    • Increase visibility and ability to forecast the
  4. Define the campaign insights required from the marketing automation platform
  5. Segmentation of database
  6. Establish sales reps workflows in Salesforce
  7. Make long term content and campaign workflows
  8. Define inbound lead form needs

Month 2

Gabriel Sales addressed the immediate optimization priorities to ensure data, workflows and forms were doing what they needed to do.

Month 3

Gabriel Sales systematically took over the day to day management executing a wide variety of functions with best practices. This allowed company to execute, optimize and increase volume systematically — eventually scaling to:

Marketing Operations:

  • Weekly newsletter
  • Nurturing Campaigns
  • Content Management
  • Podcast Management
  • Webinar Management
  • Database Management
  • Segmentation Management
  • Campaign Attribution
  • Social Posting
  • Campaign Specific Reporting

Sales Operations Management:

  • List Views
  • Lead Scoring Prioritization
  • Daily Activity Reporting
  • Forecasting and Dashboards
  • User Management

Reporting and Analysis:

  • Google Analytics
  • Attribution
  • Social Follower Tracking
  • Campaign Attribution


Tactical Results

Gabriel Sales was able to create a technical system, marketing operations and lead transition process that allowed the company to maximize their investment in content marketing, their technology (including additional third-party integrations), database and events.

The Business and Sales Results

The streamlined process, increased visibility for sales management, consistent content marketing to stay top of mind with the buyers and lead scoring allowed the company to double their monthly flow of sales ready leads and simultaneously cut their sales team from 4 sales reps to 2 senior sales reps producing the following results.

About the Company

Company provides both software and training resources to help small and mid-sized companies comply with federal rules and regulations.

The sales is not an “if” decision but a “when” and/or “how” decision.

Building trust with thought leadership and staying top of mind when the buyer is ready to explore options is critical to success.

Typical sales cycle was 90 to 180 days is budget cycle dependent typically with an incumbent or an internal process that needed to be replaced.

Accounting Services Lead Nurturing Case Study

Accounting Services Lead Nurturing Case Study

DDC’s Lead Nurturing to Ideal Targets Helps Professional Services Company Double Growth Two Years in a Row


Accounting Services Lead Nurturing Case Study – In this accounting services lead nurturing case steady we will explain how a well-established and successful  accounting services company used targeting marketing and lead nurturing of 6000 targeted buyers to double sales three years in a row.

Company Background

PCO Bookkeepers is privately held, 20-year-old accounting services firm founded by Dan Gordon. PCO Bookkeepers’ team of expert bookkeepers and accountants cater to the pest management and lawn care industry. PCO Bookkeepers offers internal and external accounting, tax planning and bookkeeping services. The company sells these services as a monthly retainer.  The goal of their services to help businesses grow and to help business owners accumulate and preserve wealth.

Launched as a complimentary business in 2012 ,PCO M&A Specialists provides merger & acquisition experts that work day-in and day-out with Pest Control Business owners selling their company.


PCO Bookkeepers was already a well-established and successful company servicing over 200 clients nationwide. Founder Dan Gordon is an established thought leader – presenting at dozens of conferences a year, writing a monthly column for a trade magazine and participating in sporadic podcasts. PCO had also experimented with digital marketing for over three years by staffing a part time writer producing two articles a month with the goal of winning at SEO. PCO also staffed a half time Marketing Director managing the website, PPC campaigns, Social Media campaigns and executing sporadic email campaigns through MailChimp to generate leads. The company staffed a full time Sales Development Rep (SDR) responsible for following up with these leads and cold calling. The goal of the SDR was to set sales calls for Dan and other managers on his staff to generate proposals and close ongoing monthly services ranging between $12,000 to $40,000 in annual recurring revenue.

Already accomplished:

  • Existing and stable client base
  • Marketing experience
  • Understanding of buyer’s journey

The Challenge

After three years of flat year over year sales growth, Dan Gordon was frustrated. He was investing in content and felt he was doing all the right things but not seeing results. The company was also struggling to get the marketing tech right. PCO Bookkeepers wanted to grow its core accounting and bookkeeping services. Dan also wanted to put more energy behind a stagnant M&A services business which generates substantially more revenue per deal. PCO was using an entry level CRM, an entry level email platform, was active on social media and had a starter database of about 10,000 targeted leads.

The Solution

Month 1

During the first month of the initial launch, Digital Demand Center’s parent company Gabriel Sales conducted an audit of PCO Bookkeepers existing online content and Dan Gordon’s tradeshow presentations, and quicky crafted a go-to-market strategy leveraging and maximizing existing content that included a:

  • New initial awareness campaign
  • Lead nurturing campaign
  • Sales automation and conversion campaign
  • Campaign introducing M&A services campaign

The go-to-market campaign strategy also included the introduction of video into the content marketing mix and the recommendation for a more consistent podcast.

Digital Demand Center’s full tech stack was implemented, and Gabriel Sales migrated the existing CRM into Salesforce including the integration of the marketing automation software.

Gabriel Sales also cleaned, augmented and honed the database to a total of 6,000 targets that were the ideal fit for the company.

Month 2 and 3

In month 2 and 3 DDCs turnkey ongoing managed services team kicked off a six-part awareness campaign and then added the ongoing lead nurturing and sales conversion campaigns.  Gabriel Sales ran a content production workshop to create 12 videos to support the campaigns.

Month 4 and Ongoing

In month 4 Digital Demand Center moved into steady state. And during the first year Digital Demand Center drove significant engagement with PCO Bookkeeper’s very focused ideal target market.


Sales Funnel Growth

Digital Demand Center™ and PCO’s commitment to digital first buyer education produced a late stage funnel of well-educated sales ready buyers that predictably scaled over time.

  • Within six-month DDC was producing 120 marketing qualified lead a month with 6 -8 Sales Ready Leads/Month and an additional 2 to 4 well educated inbound leads a month
  • By the end of year one DDC was producing 240 marketing qualified leads a month, 12-14 Sales Ready Leads/Month and 3 to 4 well educated inbound leads a month
  • Within 18 months DDC was producing 300 marketing qualified leads a month, 14-18 Sales Ready Leads and 5-8 well educated inbound leads a month.

Lower Cost of Sales

As a result over the first year PCO Bookkeepers was able to significantly lower its monthly fixed cost of sales.

  • Within 6 months PCO was able to: move to a part time Sales Development Rep making 50-100 follow up attempts to scored leads a month. In addition, the company was able to stop paid media campaigns and stop funding a part time marketing director.
  • By the end of the first year PCO was able to get rid of the Sales Development Rep completely and hire a full time with industry expertise with their own rolodex and excited by a full sales funnel.

In addition, with and engine in place supporting the core business Dan was able to commit to the podcast and focus more energy on the M&A Services business.

Sales Growth

  • Year One – PCO Bookkeepers increased its previous year’s sales by 100%
  • Year Two – PCO Bookkeepers increased its previous year’s sales growth by 100%
  • Year Three – PCO sustained the same year over year growth experienced in year two
  • Over the course of those three years PCO Bookkeepers double their overall market share from 5% of the total addressable market to 10% of the addressable market for the accounting and bookkeeping services
  • Simultaneously also doubled the volume and tripled the revenue of the M&A Services business
Collective Goods Logo

About PCO Bookkeepers and M&A Specialists

PCO Bookkeepers is privately held, 20-year-old accounting services firm founded by Dan Gordon. PCO Bookkeepers’ team of expert bookkeepers and accountants cater to the pest management and lawn care industry. PCO Bookkeepers offers internal and external accounting, tax planning and bookkeeping services. The company sells these services as a monthly retainer.  The goal of their services to help businesses grow and to help business owners accumulate and preserve wealth.

Launched as a complimentary business in 2012 ,PCO M&A Specialists provides merger & acquisition experts that work day-in and day-out with Pest Control Business owners selling their company.

Mobile App Software Demand Generation Case Study

Mobile App Software Demand Generation Case Study

DDC™ Targets Ideal Buyers for Mobile App Software to Help Fuel 300% Growth in 2 Years with No Outside Investors


In this mobile app software demand generation case study you will learn how privately held software company implemented Digital Demand Center to target 6,000 companies and 18,000 decision makers to develop predictable sales funnel to support two senior closers. 

Company Background

KipTraq is a mobile data collection platform that helps businesses collect data on their mobile devices and report on that data via the cloud. KipTraq is flexible enough to give users full control on what data their employees capture, and their best-in-class reporting/BI tools help create meaningful insight based on that data. Any information usually captured with pen and paper or Excel can be done faster and with more accountability by using KipTraq.

KipTraq makes it easy for end users to capture data anywhere using mobile phones and tablets. The company focuses primarily on serving mid-sized and enterprise Food Growers and Food Manufacturers and is currently testing solutions in other industries requiring in-the-field audits and safety inspections.


KipTraq is a privately held company with a software solution engineered and initially coded by its sole founder, Bryan Banks. Bryan launched the company with one core customer representing the majority of KipTraq’s revenue.  KipTraq then hired two outside Sales Reps to leverage their existing relationships for additional sales. 

Initially these reps were successful. Eventually they exhausted their existing networks and sales production slowed.

The company had no CRM, a single page website, no content and was not running any campaigns. They had access to a database of 6,000 ideal targets in both food manufacturing and food production in specific geographies across the United States.

Already Accomplished:

  • Foundational Customer
  • Focused Target Market
  • Outside Sales Reps


Bryan wanted to continue to grow the company organically without taking outside investment. To do this, Bryan needed to affordably and systematically develop a sales funnel to support his sales team. Additionally, the outside sales contractors provided limited visibility into their sales pipeline.

Bryan is a thought leader, technologist and inventor with no sales and marketing operations expertise. Bryan was bandwidth constrained as he was managing the development team, the client servicing team and product enhancements. He needed to scale these to service new business while supporting the sales team.

The Solution

KipTraq hired Gabriel Sales to launch Digital Demand Center™.

First Gabriel Sales (GS) began crafting a strategy to introduce a core audience of food growers and manufacturers to the value of KipTraq. GS conducted a deep dive into KipTraq’s differentiators and mapped these to the needs of the target Buyer Personas. Next, Gabriel Sales delivered a go-to-market strategy that included messaging, a content plan and an awareness campaign strategy, a PPC plan, lead nurturing campaign strategy and sales automation campaign strategy. 

This was followed by a three-day onsite content production workshop to create the necessary content to launch the engine including, videos, articles, case studies, use cases and online video demos. Gabriel Sales then managed a complete overhaul of the website and brand, expanding it from one page to dozens for more substantial buyer education.

Next, Gabriel Sales implemented a full Digital Demand Center™ technology stack for measured, systematic and scalable execution. This marketing tech stack was then integrated with three new Salesforce seats to accurately measure the progress of leads through the sales funnel.

Finally, both Digital Demand Center™ and Pay Per Click campaigns were  launched. The initial four months were focused on establishing KipTraq as a brand. Then DDC™ moved into steady state with ongoing lead nurturing and sales automation campaigns. 

With the foundation established for a scalable demand generation, KipTraq was able to score leads for follow up, conversion and closing by the existing sales team. In addition, DDC was also able to provide KipTraq with data and insights to optimize messaging and ad budgets in order to maximize their investment. Combined, all these efforts produced a predictable and sustainable sales funnel. 

The Results

With DDC managing both outbound and inbound lead generation programs, KipTraq’s sales reps became more productive. Over the first three years KipTraq was able to:

  • Establish KipTraq as leading brand in the vertical
  • Close over 30 new deals
  • Scale their avg. deal size
  • Reduce KipTraq’s risk and dissipate the company’s revenue dependence on their largest customer
  • Grow revenue by over 410%


Additional Strategic Benefits

Bryan was able to focus on scaling operations. He was able to hire, train and staff a lead engineer, customer service team and a client service team. He was also able to develop and launch several turnkey solutions into the market.

With the ability to target specific markets, DDC is being leveraged build brand awareness and nurture leads in several new verticals.

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About KipTraq

KipTraq is a mobile data collection platform that helps businesses collect data on their mobile devices and report on that data via the cloud. KipTraq is flexible enough to give users full control on what data their employees capture, and their best-in-class reporting/BI tools help create meaningful insight based on that data. Any information usually captured with pen and paper or Excel can be done faster and with more accountability by using KipTraq.

KipTraq makes it easy for end users to capture data anywhere using mobile phones and tablets. The company focuses primarily on serving mid-sized and enterprise Food Growers and Food Manufacturers and is currently testing solutions in other industries requiring in-the-field audits and safety inspections.