5 Quick Outsourced Sales Projects to Accelerate Sales

by | Feb 26, 2017 | Uncategorized

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Q1 should now be kicking into high gear and if you feel like you could use a little extra push to help put more sales qualified leads into your closers funnel, here are five quick projects an outsourced sales and marketing company could take on to quickly accelerate your sales funnel.

Make those extra calls

Most companies don’t wait to follow up on inbound leads because you want to call the best and most active prospects first – especially if you are in a highly competitive industry.  And getting there first improves your closing % by as much as a 100%.  As a result most inside sales teams will prioritize inbound leads as they come in and if your inbound volume is high enough your internal team will often give up on leads after 1 or 2 calls if they don’t connect.

If you have at least 400 dormant inbound leads most outsourced sales company can staff a rep to make those 3rd, 4th and sometimes 5th attempt to mine your previous investment.  Odds are if you were not able to connect quickly neither were your competitors and there are opportunities sitting in your dead lead file.

Run an educational eMail marketing campaign

sales outsourcing lead generation

As Q1 is moving into full gear most companies have started to set budgets and are starting to work on their business priorities for 2017.  Now is a perfect time for you to introduce your solution and build awareness for companies looking to prioritize your solution in 2017.  An outsourced sales and marketing company can help you quickly pull the trigger on an email marketing campaign using educational content you already have  to build awareness to a market of up to 75,000 new decision makers to generate as many as 5000 early stage leads for as little as $6000.

Automate your initial product demo or senior executives answering frequently asked questions  

Most senior buyers are interested in learning more about businesses solutions. But if it’s not one of their immediate priorities they may not want to invest the 30 plus minutes it takes to sit through a full product demo or to meet with one of your senior leaders.  An outsourced sales and marketing company can make it easier for your buyer by running a quick one day video production work shop.  You can leverage this type of workshop to:

  • Create a series of short demo videos that allow buyers to get a quick taste of how your solution works and what problems it solves for them.
  • Have your executives answer some of the most frequently asked and business critical questions on camera.

This content can be used by your internal sales team to make it easier for buyers that are on the fence get off the fence and generate that first critical sales call.

Gain a competitive advantage and finally pull the trigger on a marketing automation platform

Everyone knows that automation is the future.  In fact 85% of B2B technology companies and most retailers and CPG companies have already adopted marketing automation technologies into their mission critical sales technology.  But in some industries adoption is still well below 30%.   This gives your business the ability to gain a competitive advantage other businesses in your industry may not have, but most companies don’t pull the trigger because they don’t have the core expertise in house to do it effectively and/or they don’t have the internal capacity to do the heavy lifting to set these systems up.  An outsourced sales and marketing company can help with both in as little as 30 days.

About Gabriel Sales Outsourced Sales Solutions

We believe that calling efforts are still critical to sales success but that the new digital buyer now requires and integrated approach to sales and marketing.

Repeatable Outsourced Sales Process

Gabriel Sales works with start-up companies and small business trying to scale their sales and marketing efforts.  We specialize in helping build modern sales and marketing operations to build a sustained, repeatable and consistent flow in new sales opportunities.  We do this by helping companies implement integrated solutions or by simply and immediately plugging capacity gaps in our clients existing efforts.  This is not your father’s outsourced sales and marketing solution and we invite you to learn more about our new approach to outsourced sales to decide if we can help your business thrive in both the short and long term.


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