B2B Lead Gen – 3 Small Things that May Be Costing You B2B Sales Leads

qualified b2b sales leads The fast-paced nature of today’s B2B sales world has some marketer’s heads spinning trying to figure out the best ways to find and qualify b2b sales leads. Tips, trends and industry reports all say the same thing in regards to inbound B2B lead gen: B2B content marketing is king and you need to post content constantly.

Most successful marketers are already doing this. But, we all want more leads.

Here are 3 seemingly insignificant things you might be doing that are costing you leads:

  1. You content isn’t mobile-friendly.

53% of Americans now own smartphones and time spent on mobile devices is growing.  A lot of B2B clients scroll through their social media feeds on their phone while their kids are at soccer practice or read blogs on their iPad in bed. If your content isn’t compatible on mobile devices, you are essentially giving these customers to your competition.

2.  Your CEO/Executives are silent on social media.

82% of companies say they trust a company more when the CEO and/or executive team communicate via social media. This means that if you’ve hired a copywriter or social media manager to create all of your social media content, you might be losing credibility. People looking to make a B2B purchase want to know about the people they will be buying from or working with.  By having your CEO tweet or write a blog article every now and then, you can make your company seem more human and trustworthy.  You can even copy the way Obama does it. He has someone else posting the majority of his tweets, but when one comes from him directly, he signs it “-bo.”

3.  You aren’t using hashtags on Facebook.

A year ago, using hashtags on Facebook would likely make you the brunt of some social-media-savvy jokes. However in June 2013, Facebook incorporated hashtags into their system, and you can now use hashtags to help you classify information with short keywords.  Your B2B prospects can also find you by searching particular hashtags, just like on Twitter. This means that if you aren’t hashtagging on Facebook and Twitter and LinkedIn, you aren’t doing everything you can to find new leads using social media.

For more information on B2B sales lead gen or how to improve sales, download our white paper on “The New Rules of Seilling & Buying in 2013” here. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

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