10 Tips for Using Facebook for B2B Marketing

FacebookFacebook.com is the most popular site in existence, getting more clicks than Google search since 2010.  Within over 1 billion users, Facebook has become a highly effective part of many B2B digital marketing strategies.

Here are 10 Facebook for B2B Marketing social media tips:

  1. Make a ‘Fan’ Page for Your Business. These are different than personal profile pages, and Facebook simply calls them pages.  This ‘fan’ page will be the platform where are of your communication and content will come from.
  2. Add a Discussion Forum.  Facebook allows you to make subpages within your business page.  Adding a place for discussion amongst your customers (and moderated by you) can be great sales research.
  3. Add Photos.  Your page should display pictures alongside your name and description.  Your photos can include company logos, pictures or your location, employees, etc. Just give people something to look at besides words.
  4. Post Videos. In addition to your channel on YouTube, your Facebook profile is another great place to upload our videos if you want them to be seen.
  5. Customize Your Page. While the overall structure or your page is predetermined by Facebook, they do give you several options to customize the look and content you present.  Facebook has places for you to link to your business website and other social media accounts, which you should always do. Do everything you can to make your branding style on Facebook match your overall branding strategy.
  6. Encourage Customers to ‘Like’ and ‘Recommend’ Your Page. Every time someone clicks the ‘like’ button on your business’s page, they have automatically subscribed to all of the content you post. You can directly post on your Facebook page to ask people to like your page, but you should also coordinate your marketing campaign to include an invitation to ‘like’ your page on all of your different media outlets. Once you have people that have ‘liked’ your page, you can ask them to recommend it to others.  This is a way of creating and exploiting brand loyalty by asking existing customers to recommend your business to new potential leads.
  7. Post Consistently About Topics of Interest. A Facebook page is not like a website; it needs to display new content on a regular basis.  The easiest way to post new content is in the form of a ‘status update’.  These are usually short messages that give updates on things like industry happenings or a new product launch.  Keep in mind that if your posts seem irrelevant or annoying to your ‘fans’, they have the option to ‘unlike’ you.  So, you should try to make sure all of your posts are at least interesting to your readers. You should aim to post something new to your page at least once a week, but daily is better.
  8. Ask Questions. People love to share their opinions on Facebook and feel like there voice is heard.  You can therefore indulge them by asking questions related to your business or industry.  Facebook even has the option to create a unique poll and invite your ‘fans’ to give their take on a specific issue.  As a fortunate side effect of stimulating lively discussions on your page, you get free and real-time market research.
  9. Encourage Comments. This goes along with asking questions.  If you ask the right questions, you can motivate people to respond by posting their opinions directly on your page about your products, services or general industry trends.
  10. Observe and Respond. Communication is a two-way street, which means you need to do more than just post status updates and ask questions.  You need to also carefully monitor all of the posts and comments people leave you.  If you not respond to your comments, you are left looking callous and disrespectful.  If your customers are taking the time to interact with your business, you need to take the time to respond to them.

For more Facebook B2B Marketing social media tips from Gabriel Sales, please feel free to contact us.

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