Trade Show Marketing Packages – Outsourced Sales & Marketing

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Make Every Lead Count! Outsourced Sales Turnkey Tradeshow Support Package

90% of tradeshow attendees are looking for new solutions and 87% of purchase a new within 6 months of the event. But 60% of companies do nothing to fill the booth, and they never follow up with 85% of their leads. We help you maximize your investment with the incremental:

  • Capacity to generate booth traffic
  • Capacity to follow up with leads
  • All the tools to control costs and increase ROI

Watch our educational video to learn more or visit our educational resources and case studies below. Also, feel free to check out our recent blog post here.

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Drive More Booth Traffic with Turnkey Outsourced Sales

According to data from the CMO Council, Fortune 2000 and large companies are much more effective in how they allocate resources and approach tradeshow lead generation.

Large and enterprise companies expect a 4:1 return on their tradeshow investment and typically spend as much as 17% of their annual lead gen budget on tradeshow and event marketing. The first step in a successful tradeshow lead generation campaign is to drive traffic to your booth prior to the event and during the event. Learn how to create and manage a smarter approach with, automation systems, temporary callers, lead scoring, email marketing, and outsourced sales reps to help you achieve the same results.  Read More

Generate More Sales Opportunities with Outsourced Sales Support

tradeshow-graphic-blogIn this age of marketing automation, with content marketing and increasing competition, simply showing up at a tradeshow and then blasting every lead with the same, tired email message instantly upon your return from the show no longer works (and dialing every lead is simply too cost prohibitive). If you execute your tradeshow strategy correctly, you can ensure:

  • You never miss a hot lead
  • You don’t let warm leads slip away
  • Everyone knows who you are and how you can help
  • You maximize your ROI for the remainder of the year

In this article we focus on how to maximize your post-show follow-up with outsourced sales to make every lead count!  Read more

Download Tradeshow Marketing Whitepaper

tradeshow-whitepaper-graphic1Enterprise companies expect a 4:1 return on their tradeshow because 92% of tradeshow attendees say they are looking for new products. But 70% of SMBs exhibiting at tradeshows don’t have any tradeshow lead gen strategy. As a result 80% of leads that are generated during a show are ignored after the show.

Download this educational white paper to learn how to:

  • Drive more booth traffic
  • Identify immediate sale opportunities
  • Score leads to prioritize and automate follow up

Download Whitepaper Now
Tradeshow Support Package Case Studies

magnify-3We invite you to visit two concrete examples of what a Tradeshow Package Produces:

Case Study #1 –  SMB technology and service provider with no booth increases their sales pipeline by $760K

Case Study #2 – Mid-sized technology start up builds awareness,  generates new database of over 6000 early stage leads and sets over 2 dozen demos after the show


We Are Passionate About Helping Entrepreneurs Committed to Sustained Sales Growth 


We Specialize in Building Outbound Marketing Engines To Consistently Fill Your Funnel with Real Sales Opportunities 


Contact our team and evaluate in detail if our solution can help drive your success and remove barriers to growth.





Ebook: The Digital-First Sales Transformation

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