How to Use Blogs When You Outsource Sales

As an outsource sales and marketing company we are frequently asked what is the role of blogging in developing leads.

First it’s important to understand that when you outsource sales digital content, it’s critical to helping develop leads because according to a recent survey of 1200 buyers 85% of most organizations now prefer to learn about new products and solutions through digital education before engaging with a sale rep. So when you outsource sales, its important that you make it easy for the buyer to move through their buying process with digital content.  Here is the framework we use to help clients create that content:

Checklists will support outsource sales and marketing

Blogs can be used to support an outsource sales and marketing lead generation to create quick but effective content for awareness campaigns. As you create these blogs, think about the covers of magazines when you go through the checkout line when you are grocery shopping. Lists grab attention and peak interest.


How to Blogs will help your outsource sales team prove thought leadership

When we engage with companies in outsource sales and marketing to generate leads we often find that companies underestimate how much thought leadership they possess. Even something as simple as “How to Solve a Problem” will capture attention and help you generate that initial lead. Once again, think about that checkout line.


FAQ Blogs will help save time in sales process for your outsource sales team

When you outsource sales your outsource sales reps will often get the same question over and over again.  We recommend that you keep a list of these frequently asked sales questions and use them to write short blogs so they can be leveraged as part of your outsource sales and marketing process.

Thought Leadership Blogs will help you introduce your specific thought leaders to the buyers

Finally, we really love to interview our outsource sales and marketing client’s executives for them to explain the business value of the solution or the technical value of the solution to their peers at the company we are selling to. We then create blogs with an embed a headshot video and then we enhance that headshot video with some additional information to turn it into a rich piece of content that details how the solution can solve a problem is a specific area. This allows your outsource sales team to build trust without needing to involve senior resources too early in the sales process.

Gabriel Sales helps companies transform their sales and marketing programs to generate more leads in this new buyer driven landscape. To learn more about our philosophy and approach to supplying an outsourcing sales team we invite you to read more about us here.

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